
Is the Violence in Vegetarian diet the same as that of the Meat?

"Ah, nowadays Vegetarianism has become a movement or a cult, as people tend to label the meat lovers are ruthless people." This is the common argument when a vegetarian or a vegan tries to educate the meat lovers about the need of being vegetarian for various reasons. Some of the meat lovers are fooled by the so called nutritionists and doctors who make them believe that meat can’t be totally avoided to get complete protein. People simply feel convenient when they hear this from their doctors and take pride in believing in science and technology and tend to ridicule the noble concepts of vegetarianism and ahimsa (non-violence). And when some people get cancer kind of diseases at some later phase of their life, they tend to blame the God, the environment, the pollution, the drugs and all other stuff, but conveniently forget their past actions of eating big macs, burgers, cheese cakes, microwaved or grilled red meats which had increased their total and bad cholest...

Doing Meditation either for Spiritual progress or for Peace or for Health is most beneficial

Those who MEDITATE regularly and do a little bit of Yoga and those who eat SAATTVIC food (food that causes Serene Behaviour) like Vegetarian or Vegan diet, will need less sleep, not more than 6 hours a day! We don’t make a scientific claim here, but based on the widely available information to the public on internet, we just put forward our observation based on experience. There is a lot to be known about meditation for spiritual progress. There are many articles written on ViprasCraft about Philosophy and Spirituality.

Raising your inner happiness raises the happiness in the World

Raising your 'Real inner happiness' raises/increases the happiness of the World. Every one of us has the potential to raise the inner happiness in the mind of self first, and thereby increase the happiness of the world. Real happiness won't come just by the accumulation of the wealth, fame or material prosperity. There are innumerable examples in the world and in the history for this. Real happiness only comes when we contribute, mark it, when we contribute only . A quick remembrance of all the so-called influential people both good and bad, in the annals of history, reveals the fact that those who contributed for the good, to the world at large, have been hailed as heroes and role models while those others who were fascist or authoritarian in their approach have been denounced as disgraceful people.

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