
Religion is for the Soul and not for the Society

Religion is not a part time job or an activity that can be scheduled. Religion should be our moral or character building asset and must be our way of life, otherwise if we simply put a special time for praying and do the rubbish the remaining time, it is not a religion. It will be a drama which is only colorful for the time it is played. And if we go to our extreme limits like forceful conversions of other people, or extremism, then religion becomes political. Religion must only be spiritual . Spiritual refers to something which exists with our spirit i.e., with our soul . So any person from an enduring religion who tries to understand his own religion in the best way will know about his soul and later there is no need for him to spread his religion through any external activities involving Conversions – by – force or Conversions – by – Money etc. His presence itself makes others understand how great such a person is. And whatever such kind of a person speaks or prea...

Interdependence is a higher value than Independence

What a great sentence it is! You will find this sentence, " Interdependence is a higher value than Independence ", in the Stephen R Covey's book, " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ". This book is one of those best books you could buy and add to your library. And the Preface itself consists of this great line in the beginning. To summarize the meaning of this line we can say that the whole world would be happy with peace and good human relations spread all over, if every leader from every country understands these principles. Of course these are not the principles founded by Mr. Stephen R Covey but are those which were discovered by him during his research on the past 200 years of the Success literature as a part of his doctoral program. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is undoubtedly the best guide for any individual or a manager to perform effectively restoring that Character ethic which was eventually lost in the recent ye...

IBM ThinkPad security is great with the BIOS Password

IBM uses a secured EEPROM chip soldered on the motherboard of each laptop they manufacture. And they will set a specific password for each computer. According to IBM, when you buy the laptop, they will provide the ‘BIOS password’ or ‘Supervisor Password’ to you. That particular password termed as ‘ Supervisor Password’ is the BIOS password on all IBM Lenovo laptops. Even if you are the owner of a laptop if you lose your BIOS password, you need to take your laptop along with the proof of purchase to an IBM vendor and he will replace your mother board if it is under warranty or will charge you a fee for replacement. So regarding IBM ThinkPad Laptops’ security, the advantage is that without knowing the BIOS password even if somebody tries to physically remove the original hard disk supplied along with the laptop and replace it with a new blank hard disk, the hard disk just gets detected and they can’t use a bootable CD to install a n...

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