
Organize the data and folders on your Computer for free without any need of software

With ever increasing digital data (files) and fast improving hardware components for the computer, it becomes an increasingly daunting task to organize a computer which has a lot of files, ie., digital files. However with experience and a simple strategy, we can organize the computer folders easily and freely without having the need to spend a single penny for any software. Yes, no software needed. After all, a computer is only as intelligent as its maker, the human. Having said this, it is also important to have realistic expectations about your data to be organized and the time you need to organize the data on your computer. If you have 10 years of data messed up, you may need few hours or minutes every day over a long time to properly organize all the data found on your computer.

Follow Sanatana Dharma (Righteousness) in Life

Dharma is a Sanskrit word having different meanings being used according to the situation. It is also loosely translated as 'faith' which is not correct. Faith is based on belief, Dharma is based on Truth. At times it is used in the sense of justice and in other senses it is used as a donation. By righteous character man becomes Godly otherwise the same man becomes a devil. Dharma can be interpreted in many ways, but it basically means the 'true and natural' property. And when it is used to express eternal laws of this Universe that govern this Nature that includes nanoparticles, microbes to planets, ecosystems, vast galaxies, etc., and when it refers to the unchangeable perfect laws of Karma which form the basis of all causes and effects in this world, the wise sages of India called this Dharma as 'Sanatana Dharma (Sanātana Dharma)' which means 'the eternal laws of righteousness. Dharma is the moral law, which guides one's...

Anuloma - Viloma Sukha Pranayama (Alternate breathing exercise in comfortable pose)

DEFINITION OF PRANAYAMA: Pranayama (Prāṇāyāma) is a combination of two Sanskrit words 'Prana' which means life force, vital energy or breath, and 'Ayama' which means to extend. This forms a part of various yogic practices devised in ancient India. Nowadays almost everybody from school-going children to college students to private and public employees, business people, etc., leads mechanical life in towns and cities. They find no time to concentrate on their health. Even they have no time to verify whether their food proportionately contains sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc., required daily for their health. If such is the case where is the time for them to look after their physical and mental fitness? To give some tips to our readers, ViprasCraft is suggesting the following simple alternate breathing exercise in a comfortable pose, also known as Anuloma-Viloma Sukha Pranayama (Comfortable alternate breathing e...

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