
Showing posts from 2007

Creative Visualization creates what You want in your life

Creative Visualization creates what we want in our life. Surprised! But it is not only possible in theory but is also possible in practice. Let us see how it is possible. In a single phrase it can be said as “Whatever you want in your life will be created first on your mental plane and then the same will manifest on the physical plane ”. It is as simple as a real life event of going to a theatre and watching a movie. The thought to go to a movie starts first in your mind and then the same thought makes you to think about realizing your dream, in this case, going to a movie. Then you take the necessary action of reserving a seat or buying a ticket, selecting the time of the show and finally you physically move to the theatre to watch the movie. Though this is a silly example which does not involve so much thought, the idea behind this explanation can’t be neglected. Because there is as such no big difference between Great or Successful people compared to the nor...

Religion is for the Soul and not for the Society

Religion is not a part time job or an activity that can be scheduled. Religion should be our moral or character building asset and must be our way of life, otherwise if we simply put a special time for praying and do the rubbish the remaining time, it is not a religion. It will be a drama which is only colorful for the time it is played. And if we go to our extreme limits like forceful conversions of other people, or extremism, then religion becomes political. Religion must only be spiritual . Spiritual refers to something which exists with our spirit i.e., with our soul . So any person from an enduring religion who tries to understand his own religion in the best way will know about his soul and later there is no need for him to spread his religion through any external activities involving Conversions – by – force or Conversions – by – Money etc. His presence itself makes others understand how great such a person is. And whatever such kind of a person speaks or prea...

Interdependence is a higher value than Independence

What a great sentence it is! You will find this sentence, " Interdependence is a higher value than Independence ", in the Stephen R Covey's book, " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ". This book is one of those best books you could buy and add to your library. And the Preface itself consists of this great line in the beginning. To summarize the meaning of this line we can say that the whole world would be happy with peace and good human relations spread all over, if every leader from every country understands these principles. Of course these are not the principles founded by Mr. Stephen R Covey but are those which were discovered by him during his research on the past 200 years of the Success literature as a part of his doctoral program. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is undoubtedly the best guide for any individual or a manager to perform effectively restoring that Character ethic which was eventually lost in the recent ye...

IBM ThinkPad security is great with the BIOS Password

IBM uses a secured EEPROM chip soldered on the motherboard of each laptop they manufacture. And they will set a specific password for each computer. According to IBM, when you buy the laptop, they will provide the ‘BIOS password’ or ‘Supervisor Password’ to you. That particular password termed as ‘ Supervisor Password’ is the BIOS password on all IBM Lenovo laptops. Even if you are the owner of a laptop if you lose your BIOS password, you need to take your laptop along with the proof of purchase to an IBM vendor and he will replace your mother board if it is under warranty or will charge you a fee for replacement. So regarding IBM ThinkPad Laptops’ security, the advantage is that without knowing the BIOS password even if somebody tries to physically remove the original hard disk supplied along with the laptop and replace it with a new blank hard disk, the hard disk just gets detected and they can’t use a bootable CD to install a n...

Sahaj Marg is the Natural and Simplest path of Realization

Sahaj Marg is the Natural path of Realization. This is the system followed in the Rama Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (UP) India , a mission founded by Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj . On the occasion of Birth Centenary celebrations of Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj held on 9 th and 10 th February 2000 at Cuddapah centre, the Abhyasi Shri T.V. Srinivasa Rao , Advocate, has elucidated to us, the following, “ Sahaj Marg in a nut shell ” in the words of Shri Rama Chandraji. The Mission : Great men are not accidentally born. They are born when the world needs them most. Such is the usual course of Nature. The present life or gross materialism has led the world to the very verge of decay and ruin. Degradation has almost reached the final stage. Morality is tottering hopelessly. Irreligiousness is gaining ground in almost every mind. Selfishness, prejudice and vanity have become the prominent features of the day. Ungodliness is rampant everywhere. Clouds of ignorance and sin...

Akshardham is a must visit Marvel in Delhi

BAPS Swamy Narayan Sanstha’s Akshardham is a magnificent architectural marvel situated very close to Delhi in the Delhi-Noida highway. It is a Hindu temple but no restrictions as such. Anyone can visit the temple without any entry fee. To its credit, it is the temple built in India after a long gap of 800 years, in complete stone without use of concrete or steel. Only interlocks were used to construct this temple. Some 7000 sculptors worked for some 5 years to carve the sculptures on the rocks. Almost all the temple is constructed with Pink sandstone. There are a number of landscape designs which please the visitors. The only disadvantage for an average visitor is that the Digital Cameras or Handycams are not allowed inside the temple, mainly due to the Security reasons (Mostly in all Hindu temples in India ). But if you wish you can have a photo made by the dedicated professional photographers appointed by the Temple committee. You have also the options to buy some video CDs at a...

Indians Checklist of items for the First foreign trip

First time is always the thrust time for any activity that we do. But to be best at the first time itself, is a difficult thing without any guidance from the experienced people. Here we mean the experience of traveling abroad from India . So this Indian Checklist of items for the First Foreign trip will at least help the newbies i.e., the Indian travelers , to any foreign country. Our emphasis in this article will be mainly on those items which are important to us but often we neglect them when we are at our home. There will be some issues when we are out of our country which will cause the troubles to us. The examples of some of those issues are: Availability of a Particular item: This is the biggest problem. Every country has its own brands or varieties of items or products or food items whatever they may be. Finding them in foreign countries is something like a ‘W ild Goose chase’ . In a foreign country we may always find something in many shops or stores, whic...

What is the Summary of 'How to Sell Yourself'

The World’s Greatest Salesman Joe Girard has published with Warner Books Inc., (an AOL Time Warner Company) some great books like ‘How to Sell Yourself’, ‘How to Sell Anything to Anybody’, ‘How to close Every Sale’, ‘Mastering your way to the top’. Out of these for anybody irrespective of their profession or business, the book ‘ How to Sell Yourself ’ seems to be the basic and more appropriate for the beginners, as it emphasizes more on personal development through the mastery of new skills. We may wonder what is so special about this book. But once you go through the contents of this book alone, you will not resist yourself from buying this book. So why delay? Let us go through this quick index and then go to the nearby book shop or browse the web to have this book in our hands. Joe Girard in his book, ‘How to Sell Yourself’ tell us the following: Selling Yourself on You Selling Yourself to O...

Joe Girard shows How to Sell Yourself

You are your #1 product. Shouldn’t you get every penny you are worth? No matter what field you are in, you need to market yourself. And nobody knows sales like Joe Girard, author of the million-copy bestseller ‘How to sell Anything to Anybody’ . And now in his book, ‘How to Sell Yourself’ , he reveals important sales secrets and shows you how you can develop the basic skills and winning character traits that will make other people take notice of what you have to offer.   Using real life anecdotes and his own remarkable life story, Joe Girard will help you: Boost your own self-worth – and demonstrate it to others Ace the job interview and enter the workplace Identify your most dynamic personal qualities (They just might surprise you!) Become a master of the fine art of listening – and use it to get ahead on the job Raise your self-confidence and “success quotient” with Joe’s twelve ...

Dale Carnegie's guide to Public Speaking

The bestselling author of ‘How to win friends and influence people’ Mr. Dale Carnegie provides the time-tested methods of persuasion in his yet another book, “How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking”. Your life can be easier ….. More exciting …. More rewarding! “Is there the faintest shadow of a reason why you should not be able to think as well in a perpendicular position before an audience as you can when sitting down? Surely, you know there is not. In fact, you ought to think better when facing a group. Their presence ought to stir and lift you. A great many speakers will tell you that the presence of an audience is a stimulus, an inspiration, that drives their brains to function more clearly, more keenly.” – Dale Carnegie. Here is a book for men and women who want to go ahead. As the author Dale Carnegie demonstrates on every page, the techniques that can put you over with an audience ca...

Indestructible Self Belief

The greatest asset you can have in life is ‘Self Belief’ . There are 7 steps to getting and keeping the Indestructible Self Belief. 1.        Do you believe in you? 2.        What is the opinion of you? 3.        Take Responsibility 4.        Think Big 5.        Recover Faster 6.        You are fabulous! 7.        Building a successful identity Read fully about these contents in the book, “Indestructible Self-Belief” by Fiona Harrold . People who handle life well, achieve great things and prosper have stronger self belief than the average person. Fiona Harrold , author of bestselling ‘Be Your Own Life Coach’ , will help you to develop magnificent levels of self belief; in seven easy steps, her pocket bible, “Indestru...

Split any file - Exchange in an email - Join the parts easily

We want to share some very good files with our friends but sometimes the file sizes can become a limitation to be sent in an email. If we use a messenger service then it may be possible to exchange the file directly without any email, but even for doing this we need to have the sender and the receiver using the same messenger at both sides. Suppose if there are problems with the internet speed and the sender and receiver using two different messenger or email programs the things will become a mess. So what is the solution? For this kind of a problem, HJSplit software is the solution. Copyrighted to , HJSplit 2.3 is a small piece of File splitting software program for Windows XP, Vista, 2000, NT, 95, 98, ME. HJSplit is able to split files of any type and any size. It is a Freeware, free for commercial and non commercial use. As mentioned by on its webpage, you can distribute this program, freely and without charge (on CD-ROMs, Websites, etc.) provided ...

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