Map Network Drive

When you click on"My Computer" icon present in Desktop, the computer shows all the Drives and other types of media. On the top you will find menu bar below the address bar or space with multiple options as shown..
Map Network Drive - 1.jpg

In that you choose the option " Map network drive" by double click on it. Then a window opens asking you to specify the folder or drive path as shown below…
Map Network Drive - 2.jpg 
Then a pop down menu appear and shows all the shared network folders ( Here every drive can be treated as a folder on the network) .

Map Network Drive - 4.jpgBrowse for the folder you want to add it on the network. After pressing OK button you can see the path of the shared folder.

Map Network Drive - 5.jpgThen you can find the "Shared Network Drive" icon which appears on your "My Computer" as the network type storage device as shown below.
Map Network Drive - 6.jpg

After you disconnect your network i.e. LAN or Internet then you can see the inactive drive icon or with Red Cross mark under it.

Map Network Drive - 7.jpgAgain if you connect your system to a network and access your network drive sometimes it ask the password for it, where only administrator can have the idea. Hence for a limited user has to enter the password or contact the administrator.



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