Ultimate Solution

God is simple and the method followed to achieve Him is also simple and straight. Man, technically termed homo sapiens i.e., wise man, has tried to seek God. Thought when purely divine, can reach the Source without fail.  If corrupted with attributes and qualities, realisation also becomes corrupted and degraded.  Gross methods give grosser results.

Meditation on the simple, pure and Ultimate alone can save man in his crisis. This surely makes him more and more simple, bringing him closer and closer to the original home.  As you think, so you become.

There should be the subtlest method to realise the Subtlest Being(God).There should be one method,one Master and one God.  Of course, selection you will have to do yourself.

The density of the thought can only be removed if we take to the subtler  method. If you want Divinity, the method should be easy, smooth and natural. A boy likes toy in his tender age, and as he grows older, love for the toy is gone.  He seeks other things for his enjoyument which are subtler than those he loved earlier.

People follow what they want and do as they desire, but expect the result which is so dear to them and to their Master(Guru).The result is a sort of block is formed.  This hides Reality and keeps It out of the sight of an abhyasi. People do Japa, without even knowing how to do it.  Similarly, there are other modes of worship which they do in order to please themselves, but not to please God. The result is mechanicalness instead of naturalness in them. In this way, they see the mirror from its back.

It is a pity that we do not read authenticated books, say Raj Yog.  Raj Yog sets in when other things accumulated by wrong practices are gone. Preceptors clean grossness out but people enwrap it again. So you have to seek the solution  yourself, jut as you have to walk on your own legs.  Of course, energy is needed for it, for which the Masters help is indispensable and is ever available.

A collection from the messages delivered  by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj, founder of Sahaj Marg, posted by B.E.Sampath Kumar, Abhyasi, Sri Ramchandraji Seva Trust, Kadapa.



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