Noble Thoughts for the Right way of Life

ViprasCraft's first book titled 'Noble Thoughts for the Right way of Life' has been locally popular and we are very much pleased to bring this book for online sale to reach many people in India and in this World.

This book deals with the Universal spiritual principles which empower the Human mind to achieve peace and tranquility in life, understand the events in life and prepare to any kind of situtations one may face in life, with utmost love and affection on the Creator and his perfectly organized order of the Universe.

Noble thoughts book by

Currently this edition of the book is available with 2 options.
  1. Customized PDF version, which can be purchased from this site (see for instructions at the bottom of the post, contact us first, then make payment using PayPal link below or any Credit/Debit Card)
  2. Paper back edition (within India only) to be received in 1 week after payment. Use the 'Contact Form' on this site to organize the same.
    More Details:
    Title: "Noble Thoughts"
    Subtitle: "for the Right Way of Life".
    Copyright (C):
    Published: 2011

    This book is about the spirituality which is above all the religions. Religion is only a set of outward formalities, whereas Spirituality is more about connecting ourselves to our soul and to the Ultimate.

    This book provides various insights about understanding the religion, problems linked to the outdated formalities of the religion, and how a person can get out of the confusion and the differences among different religions.

    First of all, the modern day world throws many challenges on us, there are too many things to do and very less time to achieve all of them. With such a situation we have grown very impatient, always running after the results and finishing the tasks at hand. All related to the materialistic development and progress.

    Spirituality, irrespective of any religion, is definitely needed for any person in this world now, because with this spiritual knowledge and wisdom, we always take right decisions, we put our efforts in serving this world better and we try to make this world a better place to live. With the spiritual wisdom, we connect ourselves to our mortality, we begin to think about our legacy and we begin to think about what the real goal of human life is.

    And Spirituality in no way is a barrier to attain materialistic development. Instead, it guides our properly to lead a better life inspite of our day to day activities related to the wealth generation and possession of other worldly things.

    This book contains the discussions on many of the important topics linked to the Spirituality. There is also emphasis on how to think beyond religion, what the real Guru does to the mankind, how to understand this creation in the true sense, why vegetarianism is a good practice and is the closest path to non violence, etc.

    Table of Contents
    1. Religion
    2. Purpose of Religion
    3. Ahimsa (Non violence)
    4. Vegetarianism - Need & Importance
    5. Purity
    6. Raja Dhandana and Yama Dhandana
    7. Bhagavadgita - An insight
    8. Cycle of Births and Deaths
    9. Is Death a Misery?
    10. Simplicity
    11. Reality and Bliss
    12. Penance
    13. Spirituality
    14. God's Love
    15. Duty
    16. Tapatrayam
    17. Satya tatvam (Truthfulness)
    18. The Real way of Life
    19. Real Goal of Human Life.
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