Divine Grace

Almost all systems of sadhana have two aspects--one self practice or abhyas and the other the Master's help and support.  In order to develop the required condition, self effort(abhyas) alone is not all or even enough.  It must be supplemented by  Divine Grace which is the one essential for the purpose. 

Only a person capable of transmitting Divine Grace through the Yogic Process of Pranahuti is fit to become a Master.  The selection  of such a worthy Master is certainly a problem. An easy method of judging a worthy Guru(Master) is when you happen to come in contact with one, try to understand whether or not His association promotes in you a feeling of peace and calmness, and the restless tendencies of your mind seem to be silenced for the time being at least, without causing any weighty effect upon it. If it is so, you must thereby conclude that He can be a fit person to help you in the solution of your life problem. 

In Sahajmarg, Divine Grace is directed towards an abhyasi through the process of Pranahuthi(transmission).  As a matter of fact, what Pranahuthi does for the spiritual uplift of an abhyasi and removal of complexities in a short time, independent efforts cannot achieve even in a full decade.  Serious difficulties arise when meditation is practised independently in accordance with the old methods prescribed in books.  Under the old system, one has to keep on struggling with the mind in order to suppress its unceasing activities. This continues all the time and there is practically no meditation at all, and all the time given to meditation is lost in struggling against and trying to suppress thoughts and tendencies. 

In order to overcome this greatest difficulty, under Sahaj Marg, one has simply to connect oneself with the power of the Master(Guide) whose mind, senses and faculties are all thoroughly disciplined and regulated.  This power then begins to flow in regulating the tendencies of an abhyasi's mind also.  The Master's help is, therefore, of prime value for sure success. 

Usually people initially aim at the cessation of the activities of the mind. This can best be achieved by linking ourselves with the Great Power which is beyond the range of senses or, in other words, one who has transcended its limits.  By connecting ourselves with such a person with love and devotion and by practicing meditation in the right manner, we begin to get transformed accordingly.  In short, we have to break down one by one the bondages which serve to keep us down under limitations and tensions.  

May Grace descent and bring peace and order to the World and to humanituy.

This is a  collection from the messages delivered by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj, founder of Sahajmarg, posted by B.E. Sampath Kumar, Abhyasi, Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj Seva Trust, Kadapa. 



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