Simple Facts of Life but with Great Meaning and Philosophy

The following sentences are a rough translation in English of a Telugu song sung by Swami Sundara Chaitanyananda, in his audio series of 'Chaitanya Gaanam' which is mostly the Absolute ancient Indian philosophy sung in simple Telugu for the common public.
"Nobody  knows for which karma( action) what would be the result. 
No one  escapes from undergoing their karma phala(results ) of their actions(karma).

Invisible are the winds that shake the trees, Invisible are the results of 'karma' that mind does not grasp.
But no one knows what happens within  a momment. Drama of life closes within seconds though it is played for a long time.

That which is not and can't be yours can never be yours,  that  which is yours, and is for you, can never leave you.
So don't wish to leave which are with you and aspire for which, which are not with you. Do not feel that there is no purpose for the happenings of  gaining and  losing in life.

Favour and disfavour are not in the results. If  the result is excess or very low it is useless. The results which have no desire or hatred cannot make you feel unhappy.

Whatever comes and how it comes,  it  is the gift of God to you.

These sentences sound so simple and so insignificant probably for many, so though these are very basic fundamentals, many people often fail to understand the same in their lives.

Few others who are wise enough learn this very early in their lives and they live in accordance with the correct principles, the everlasting principles, which we can call as 'Sanathana Dharma'.

To understand these points in a better way, you must know about the ancient Indian philosophy and how it explains about the Life and the Karma philosophy (the Natural law of Actions & Results). Everything happens for a reason whether we agree or not, because if there is no reason behind all the events in this world, the whole concept of God and the 'All Merciful' and 'All Powerful' and 'Omnipotent' kind of qualities can't be the true attributes of God, as almost all of the world's religions describe the God to be so.

And Karma philosophy is easy to understand. "What you sow, so shall you reap!" And a person who really understand this, will control and puts his actions in the right direction so the right results are guaranteed. The vice versa also holds good.

But Many people fail to understand the point that a majority of the people living today still suffer from the miseries of the world, though they think about themselves as good persons who are doing all possible good actions as mentioned in their religions or religious books and they are living by such code of conduct.

The answer for that in Indian philosophy is quite simple. "Like you say in the affirmative about the present actions leading you to the future results, this analogy is also true that all your present results are also based on your past actions, not just of those in this present life, but also of the previous lives (births)."

Without Punarjanma (Rebirth), the logic simply fails. If you believe in a concept of only one life and obtaining either Heaven or Hell eternally, is quite doubtful because it contradicts with the other sayings from the same religions which condemn Punarjanma!

Let us find it out how considering a simple real life example.

We have various industries making mechanical goods like machines, tools, cars, bikes, utensils, etc, and process industries which make commodities like sugar, salt, consumable items, consumer goods, etc. We know that there will be various departments like the Raw materials procurement, various processing machines in a sequence, and all the raw materials start from the first phase to the final phase going through the same processes. Despite being perfectly organized, there is a need of quality control, due to the differences in the inherent qualities of these materials. So they are to be discarded or to be recycled. We all agree to such a system, which we call industry. We know that it is man-made and is just perfect. We call it industrialization, development and set benchmarking standards based on the established manufacturers in those sectors.

Alright! Now coming back to the God's creation, or let us say some Super natural power's creation, we are living in this world or Nature! But we see that there are too enormous differences or the variations of the living conditions, climate, and many other factors like social status, color complexions, etc., among different people in this world. Why?

Not only the physical attributes, but also many other factors like, misery, happiness, wealth, education, health, fate, etc. are all different for every single individual. Why? If you don't believe in Punarjanma concept, then could you answer why the Supreme God, the Almighty, the All Merciful, the Omnipotent God is so partial to a few people of his creation, while he intentionally designed the lives of many others which are destined to Hell for no fault of theirs or without giving them equal chances? Is that fair? No.

So in this case, the definition of Supreme God by those religions is wrong! If not, the false notion that the Punarjanma can't be justified is wrong!

However, we urge our readers to read the article of 'Cycle of Births and Deaths' already posted on ViprasCraft. We leave it to the intellect of the readers and may the Truth prevail. "Satyameva Jayathe!"

Constructive comments are always welcome and we request you to leave us a comment in case you were inspired by this post. Thank you.



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