Dale Carnegie's guide to Public Speaking

The bestselling author of ‘How to win friends and influence people’ Mr. Dale Carnegie provides the time-tested methods of persuasion in his yet another book, “How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking”.

Your life can be easier ….. More exciting …. More rewarding!

“Is there the faintest shadow of a reason why you should not be able to think as well in a perpendicular position before an audience as you can when sitting down? Surely, you know there is not. In fact, you ought to think better when facing a group. Their presence ought to stir and lift you. A great many speakers will tell you that the presence of an audience is a stimulus, an inspiration, that drives their brains to function more clearly, more keenly.” – Dale Carnegie.

Here is a book for men and women who want to go ahead. As the author Dale Carnegie demonstrates on every page, the techniques that can put you over with an audience can help you in every phase of your life.

In this work, Dale Carnegie shows you –

How to develop Poise,

How to gain self confidence,

How to improve your memory,

How to make your meaning clear,

How to begin and end a talk,

How to interest and charm your audience,

How to improve your diction,

How to win an argument without making enemies and

He offers hundreds of practical and valuable tips on influencing the important people in your life:

Your friends, your customers, your business associates, your employers.

The information in this book has been tested and used successfully by more than 1,000,000 students in the world – famous Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Speaking and Human Relations.


Anonymous said…
Yes, public speaking is the number one fear that most people face. I have been coaching public speaking from long time and I agree with Dale's guide. www.ppsassociates.com


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