Indestructible Self Belief

The greatest asset you can have in life is ‘Self Belief’.

There are 7 steps to getting and keeping the Indestructible Self Belief.

1.       Do you believe in you?

2.       What is the opinion of you?

3.       Take Responsibility

4.       Think Big

5.       Recover Faster

6.       You are fabulous!

7.       Building a successful identity

Read fully about these contents in the book, “Indestructible Self-Belief” by Fiona Harrold.

People who handle life well, achieve great things and prosper have stronger self belief than the average person. Fiona Harrold, author of bestselling ‘Be Your Own Life Coach’, will help you to develop magnificent levels of self belief; in seven easy steps, her pocket bible, “Indestructible Self-Belief” will equip you to make the most of yourself, so that you stretch and grow into your full potential.

Life is easier when you believe in yourself. And this inspiring book will make you feel more optimistic and enthusiastic about everything.

Praise for Fiona Harrold

“Fiona Harrold is not only one of the most dynamic and positive people you will ever meet, but she also has the talent to make you feel the same way too.” – Daily Mail.

“With Fiona on your side, you can achieve anything.” – Prima Magazine.

This book is brought to us by Piatkus Publishers. Piatkus publishes a wide range of bestselling fiction and non-fiction, including books on health, mind, body & spirit, sex, self-help, cookery, biography and the paranormal.



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