Writers, Authors and Bloggers must strive for 'Sahityam' and not for just limelight

There is a word in Sanskrit 'Sahityam'. All the literature i.e., writings in prose, poetry or in any other manner comes under this main heading Sahityam, which really means 'with good, with welfare' and for good only. By this we can understand that the responsible writers or poets, the modern bloggers, web publishers should write only good and which helps the readers to live in welfare.
But nowadays, many writers or bloggers or poets have broken all the bars (standards) and are writing whatever they like, causing mental turmoil to the readers. Sex, violence, terrorism and superstitions are being inflicted on the common man especially on the youth in the form of books (mediocre and misguiding), cinemas, TV series and through the websites.

Though it is an agreed fact that "Pen is mightier than a Sword", just because their pen is powerful and attracting the readers or masses, they should not throw the dirt on the world, forgetting their minimum responsibility, with the view of getting into limelight instantly and thereby earning money.  Some writers are even entering into the field of scriptures (religious) and commenting as they like and thereby hurting the beliefs of the pious people. In some writings they are adulterating the Holy Scriptures too with their filthy sexual feelings. Such writings may influence the innocent people (who have the little knowledge on scriptures) to so many wrong conclusions, which further leads to misconceptions on the sacred books.
One bad thing already happening in India is that many people think that development is inversely proportional to the religion. But that is not the case. Read the books of Swami Vivekananda, and you will learn that he described the 'Religion' as a practical necessity. And if the people are influenced by the misconceptions about these sacred books because of some foolish writings by the hypocrite authors, they strengthen their ill-will about the Religion and about those who follow the religion, which is not a desirable thing for a culture like that of India.
To control these kinds of baseless writings there must be a strong censor system.  But the present systems are unorganized and weak and thereby giving scope for right comments. A lyric writer when questioned about his vulgar song simply replied that he is writing such songs because the people are receiving them. He also added that there is much demand for such songs and accordingly he and his co-writers are responding.
This kind of attitude of the writers is very very unfortunate. Generally the writers should have more responsibility towards the society. They should have self control over themselves while writing,  because they are the guides of the common citizens. They are the rulers without power but having much following. Therefore the writers and poets should only write which is good to the people without money mindedness.  Common folk may not have the sufficient knowledge and discriminating power in selecting the writings. So it is the writers duty to think over and to write which is wise, pious and moral. Throwing blame on unwise common folk is not at all correct. It is the duty of the writer to guide the society in the right direction and give the right meaning to their writings as 'Sahitya'.
In this regard we have also got some responsibility to have a watch on the writings and should have a check on the writers when occasion needs. We should also have an eye over the youth about what they are following. Because, in the uncontrolled explosion of the information over the internet world, much of the dirt is being thrown on the viewers.
At the same time it becomes our responsibility to encourage the good writings for which also there is no shortage.
There are always the very good websites which provide valuable information and guidance for life. Few examples of such organizations or institutions are:
  1. Sahaj Marg books – Formulated by His Holiness Mahatma RamaChandraji of Shahjahanpur, Sahaj Marg is the simplest and the natural Path of realization which makes the people to understand who is God and how the humans can discover the God within themselves.
  2. Advaitashram books – Complete works of Swami Vivekananda. What more a citizen of the world needs above Swami Vivekandanda's works, to open his eyes and to enter into the world of spirituality and to make profound changes in their lifestyle besides developing a strong character with an iron will.
  3. ISKCON books – Needs no introduction. His holiness Sri AC Bhakti Vedanta Swamy and his successors providing many deekshas and books related to Lord Krishna, Hinduism and Vegetarianism.
  4. BAPS, Akshardham – Swami Narayan's sect of Hinduism and literature.
  5. Robin Sharma's books – The leadership maestro of the current generation, who blends the philospophy of the west with the wisdom of the East in his books like "The Monk who sold his Ferrari", "The Greatness guide", etc.
  6. Stephen Covey's books – The Leadership trainer who researched the Authentic and Successful people and presented his findings in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", "The 8th Habit", etc.
  7. Autobiographies or Biographies of Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, eminent scientists like Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.
and the list goes on………!
All this information is just a click away on the computer while performing a Google Search to get the genuine and useful information not for your profession or for some motivation but for your complete transformation.

Courtesy: Sri Policharla Subbarayudu (Preceptor) and Sri B.E. Sampath Kumar (Abhyasi) of Sri Rama Chandraji Maharaj Seva Trust, Kadapa.



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