
Showing posts with the label Leadership

Why everyone needs to be a leader?

This world has been increasingly becoming complex with every passing generation. While there are so many technological advancements and improvements to the quality of life on the one hand, on the other hand, there are people suffering from information overload, unrealistic targets at the workplace, and many becoming victims of depression. As the world becomes more complex, we need to have more clarity on all important areas of life. But how can a person figure out, what is most important to him/her? We have a lot of social pressure in this generation that is being heavily influenced by social media, unlike in the past. Not so long, some 15 years ago, we still had relatively more free time away from social media. Social media is not wrong! It has also helped the world in democratizing the sharing of information. But for every good aspect of technology, there is the bad or negative aspect. Social media is not different. Any technology is not any different from this problem. So, it is...

Why Napoleon Hill's 'Think & Grow Rich' is a must read book?

Why we recommend to all our readers some great books from time to time? It is because great books are great friends in our lives. One idea from one book can change your life. Reading a book is discussing with the author of that book. And if the author is someone like Napoleon Hill who had researched the lives of more than 500 successful people, his book can't be a normal one. It could be like a magnum opus, and in fact it is. THINK & GROW RICH was first published during the great depression of 1930s and since then it never stopped inspiring people. Many of us have a natural trait of being 'team people'. It is also illustrated in Stephen Covey's book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people' under Habit-4: 'Think Win/Win'. That means I will be happy when I win and others win along with me, at least if the things are in my control. It pains me a lot, to see good people feel unhappy over their lives. Maybe as I understand it well that when w...

YearBook - Personal productivity tool from LifeTools series by ViprasCraft

ViprasCraft's YearBook  (LifeTools series) can be best utilized following these simple guidelines: Making your book first: Based on your convenience you can either choose A4 or A5 paper optimized format of YearBook. A4 format : If you have opted for the A4 paper size format, it is just sufficient to print this free PDF file in this way: First print all the pages in the PDF file back to back (front & rear) printing on A4 sheets. You will get 5 A5 sheets with 10 pages printed on them back to back. First sheet with pages 1 & 2 serves as a Cover page as well as a guide with instructions for better use. Second sheet with pages 3 &4 serves as the section 'Roles, Goals and Habits'. You can take as many photocopies of this page as you want. But if you ask us how many pages would be ideal, we recommend 2 sheets (with 4 sides) as ideal. Considering 30 goals per page (15 x 2 columns) we make 60 per sheet which means a total of 120 goals. That means in a year y...

LifeTools series YearBook for your Personal Success and Productivity

One of the good resolutions to be made for the New Year is for being more effective and productive. Once you become both effective and productive, you'll discover that you have enough time to do many important things. We all need some tools for our lives to be productive. One of such tools is ViprasCraft's 'YearBook' in 'LifeTools' series. In fact, this simple yet powerful tool has been tested by our team over the last year privately and because we have had incredible improvement in our productivity and efficiency levels, we wanted to present this new year gift to all our readers. This YearBook is organized into 3 important sections - 1. Roles, Goals and Habits , 2. Weekly Plan and 3. Things to Do .

Raising your inner happiness raises the happiness in the World

Raising your 'Real inner happiness' raises/increases the happiness of the World. Every one of us has the potential to raise the inner happiness in the mind of self first, and thereby increase the happiness of the world. Real happiness won't come just by the accumulation of the wealth, fame or material prosperity. There are innumerable examples in the world and in the history for this. Real happiness only comes when we contribute, mark it, when we contribute only . A quick remembrance of all the so-called influential people both good and bad, in the annals of history, reveals the fact that those who contributed for the good, to the world at large, have been hailed as heroes and role models while those others who were fascist or authoritarian in their approach have been denounced as disgraceful people.

Swami Vivekananda, the legendary Monk and evergreen leader of Youth

Swami Vivekananda was not just a traditional monk or sage of India, as many of us remember about him, but was an investigative spiritual seeker at first, who later turned out to be a great modern sage of India. His works are complete of powerful thoughts, great spiritual wisdom and yet practical to be put to use by the modern people who live in this scientific age, for transforming their chaotic materialistic lifestyles by imbibing the very basic human need - the spiritual wisdom - in all the activities they do in their routine life. He commented very seriously all the orthodox approaches of the so-called higher castes who were least bothered about the genuine spirituality in those times and were rather interested in castes, creeds, cults, fighting on the differences in their chosen methodologies and much above all of these, their lack of will power to dethrone an enemy, with a bunch of deceitful people, who had fully controlled their motherland and the millions of countrymen...

Writers, Authors and Bloggers must strive for 'Sahityam' and not for just limelight

There is a word in Sanskrit 'Sahityam' . All the literature i.e., writings in prose, poetry or in any other manner comes under this main heading Sahityam, which really means ' with good, with welfare ' and for good only. By this we can understand that the responsible writers or poets, the modern bloggers, web publishers should write only good and which helps the readers to live in welfare. But nowadays, many writers or bloggers or poets have broken all the bars (standards) and are writing whatever they like, causing mental turmoil to the readers. Sex, violence, terrorism and superstitions are being inflicted on the common man especially on the youth in the form of books (mediocre and misguiding), cinemas, TV series and through the websites.

Leadership overpowers the Management, hence motto for future leaders is "Leadership First, Management Next"

Nowadays, all the world's professionals think too much about the ' Management' and ' Efficiency ' and the age-old genuine principle centeredness has lost its ground already as most people today think that it is useless or at least non-profitable to think about Honesty, Authenticity, etc. People have forgotten to think much about their character and they are more interested in learning techniques and strategies to keep the things moving. They work very hard to improve productivity by forgetting the human factor and only run after profits either by using some advanced technology or by cutting down the running/operating costs. But to be the best in this world, to lead this world in the proper way, we need Leaders and not the Managers alone. As Stephen Covey has said in his world famous book, 'The 7 Habits of highly effective People', there is this great punch line for us:

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