Just ONE Homescreen on Smartphone

In this smartphone age and virtual world of smartphone apps, is it worth keeping tens of screens to scroll through?

As a change you can try using just one smartphone screen for all your apps.

Look at the screenshot on my Poco F1 smartphone. This comes from my earlier experience of using Windows Phones where the tiles concept was making it possible to use folders so creatively without missing a notification.

If possible on Windows 10, why is it not possible on Android?

Now that Android has matured enough and is a robust OS, Smartphones look definitely better and do have many productivity features built-in.

However, that does not prevent you to have your own say about how exactly you want your smartphone.

You can just have one smartphone screen for all most used apps and you can use, if needed, further more screens for effectively utilising widgets.

Do let us know if you have any comments or suggestions below.


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