
Showing posts with the label Wisdom


Forgiveness is one of the divine qualities of Human beings such as fearlessness, purity of mind, penance, non-violence, truthfulness, compassion, gentleness, patience, devoid of ego, austerity, charity, etc., Sometimes we hurt others and sometimes we are hurt. In both cases, we cannot avoid mental suffering. Usually, it is not always easy to forgive someone especially if great harm or hurt is caused by that person. The ego is the one that hurts and gets hurt. It plays an important role in personal conflicts and in hurting others or becoming hurt by them in the process. Whenever we commit a mistake, we must be humble enough to keep our ego aside and admit it. Knowing when we are wrong and admitting our mistake,  is a sign of maturity and wisdom. Only courageous people can do this by not only admitting their mistakes but also beg forgiveness if they realize that they have done wrong to others and accept open-heartedly whatever the consequences would be to face. F...

Love Universal

Things come and go, but we remain the same.  If we thoroughly scrutinize ourselves, changeless state is there, but we are connected with the changeable and either we take interest in it or hate it, and both of them are the links for bondage.  We should rise above all these things if we want to live a peaceful life.  Sahajmarg brings out these results if we do practice it with interest. Many say that they are trying hard to raise themselves from the mire of thoughts and emotions.  It is of course, the duty of an abhyasi and he is awakened to that state and work starts in that colour. A piece of cloth is prepared by the wisdom of the weaver.  His hands are at work but he displays his wisdom by the movement of his hands.  Wisdom has its own center, but it works through the hand also.  Similarly when the idea of betterment is there, this is the sure sign of improvement. God has created the world so that every flower may grow in its right stand...

Find the Real and Inner Happiness through Meditation and by the grace of Guru

All human beings want happiness in their lives. Everybody tries to achieve this in the material life presuming that a good family, a secure job and such other things will provide it. But the real happiness or bliss cannot be found in the outside world. Though we may enjoy abundant wealth and many comforts, we will not feel satisfied and always deserves more. The renowned sages were telling us that the answer to this is to be found by `turning within' and discovering our own hidden or dormant power. But many do not know how to awaken it. So many books are available now explaining many types of Meditation and Yoga. But these books help us only to know about the method of practice, but they are of no avail in spiritual progress. The dormant power in us can be awakened only by the grace of a Samartha Guru (a realized and an efficient Master) who possesses the ability to transmit his own spiritual energy to others. For this we need not give up our families or jobs to rea...

What is true Bhakti (Devotion)?

WHAT IS DEVOTION? Bhakti (loosely translated in English as Devotion), in Sanskrit, means no Vibhaktham (detachment) from the highest i.e., GOD. The term Bhakti (Devotion) comes from the root 'Bhaj' which means to be attached to GOD. Bhakti is intense devotion and supreme attachment to GOD. It is pure, unselfish, divine love or suddha (pure) prem. Saints have defined it as an irrevocable attachment with GOD. The feeling of Bhakti cannot be described in words. It has to be experienced by the devotee. It unites the devotee with the Lord. It is a self-generated fire within, which consumes all the passions like anger, undue wants, lust, pride, etc., without any physical awareness. It is otherwise defined as the highest love developed towards God without any physical expectations in return. That means one should have no answer as to why and what for he loves GOD. Such true love is called devotion. Offering something and praying for so many things in return is in no w...

Is the Violence in Vegetarian diet the same as that of the Meat?

"Ah, nowadays Vegetarianism has become a movement or a cult, as people tend to label the meat lovers are ruthless people." This is the common argument when a vegetarian or a vegan tries to educate the meat lovers about the need of being vegetarian for various reasons. Some of the meat lovers are fooled by the so called nutritionists and doctors who make them believe that meat can’t be totally avoided to get complete protein. People simply feel convenient when they hear this from their doctors and take pride in believing in science and technology and tend to ridicule the noble concepts of vegetarianism and ahimsa (non-violence). And when some people get cancer kind of diseases at some later phase of their life, they tend to blame the God, the environment, the pollution, the drugs and all other stuff, but conveniently forget their past actions of eating big macs, burgers, cheese cakes, microwaved or grilled red meats which had increased their total and bad cholest...

Raising your inner happiness raises the happiness in the World

Raising your 'Real inner happiness' raises/increases the happiness of the World. Every one of us has the potential to raise the inner happiness in the mind of self first, and thereby increase the happiness of the world. Real happiness won't come just by the accumulation of the wealth, fame or material prosperity. There are innumerable examples in the world and in the history for this. Real happiness only comes when we contribute, mark it, when we contribute only . A quick remembrance of all the so-called influential people both good and bad, in the annals of history, reveals the fact that those who contributed for the good, to the world at large, have been hailed as heroes and role models while those others who were fascist or authoritarian in their approach have been denounced as disgraceful people.

Writers, Authors and Bloggers must strive for 'Sahityam' and not for just limelight

There is a word in Sanskrit 'Sahityam' . All the literature i.e., writings in prose, poetry or in any other manner comes under this main heading Sahityam, which really means ' with good, with welfare ' and for good only. By this we can understand that the responsible writers or poets, the modern bloggers, web publishers should write only good and which helps the readers to live in welfare. But nowadays, many writers or bloggers or poets have broken all the bars (standards) and are writing whatever they like, causing mental turmoil to the readers. Sex, violence, terrorism and superstitions are being inflicted on the common man especially on the youth in the form of books (mediocre and misguiding), cinemas, TV series and through the websites.

Attain Reality and Bliss following Sahaj Marg and proceed further for Union with the Ultimate (Supreme God)

The essence of the ' Infinite' (understood and termed as the Supreme God by the wise men), that is ' Reality ' is within us. It is with us since the beginning of our individual entity because of a stir in the 'Ultimate' the process of creation started. Everything emerged from the Ultimate and a tinge of its essence in the shape of energy has crept into the creation. We too have our share as we are also the part and parcel of the creation.

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