Religion is for the Soul and not for the Society
Religion is not a part time job or an activity that can be scheduled. Religion should be our moral or character building asset and must be our way of life, otherwise if we simply put a special time for praying and do the rubbish the remaining time, it is not a religion. It will be a drama which is only colorful for the time it is played. And if we go to our extreme limits like forceful conversions of other people, or extremism, then religion becomes political. Religion must only be spiritual . Spiritual refers to something which exists with our spirit i.e., with our soul . So any person from an enduring religion who tries to understand his own religion in the best way will know about his soul and later there is no need for him to spread his religion through any external activities involving Conversions – by – force or Conversions – by – Money etc. His presence itself makes others understand how great such a person is. And whatever such kind of a person speaks or prea...