
Showing posts from December, 2007

Creative Visualization creates what You want in your life

Creative Visualization creates what we want in our life. Surprised! But it is not only possible in theory but is also possible in practice. Let us see how it is possible. In a single phrase it can be said as “Whatever you want in your life will be created first on your mental plane and then the same will manifest on the physical plane ”. It is as simple as a real life event of going to a theatre and watching a movie. The thought to go to a movie starts first in your mind and then the same thought makes you to think about realizing your dream, in this case, going to a movie. Then you take the necessary action of reserving a seat or buying a ticket, selecting the time of the show and finally you physically move to the theatre to watch the movie. Though this is a silly example which does not involve so much thought, the idea behind this explanation can’t be neglected. Because there is as such no big difference between Great or Successful people compared to the nor...

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