
Showing posts from 2010

Be Pure - A Pure Thought is a Great Service to this World

People generally like purity of atmosphere, environment and even bodily purity so that they may live a comfortable life. Internal purity will automatically bring external purity.  A man with internal purity will act righteously in all his activities. Nobody likes impurity. That is why some people maintain purity for others sake to have good relationship with them. Whatever it may be, keeping oneself pure and clean is beneficial both to self and to others. It keeps diseases away and gives long life too. This is true and known to each and every body. But there is one more field (aspect) where we have to maintain purity.  That is the field of thinking.  That is quite internal. Having pure thought is a godly quality. No doubt it is an inborn quality in human beings. It will come from nowhere. It is already there within. Only thing we have to do is to maintain it as it is. But what we do is, we spoil it with wrong conceptions. For example if our neighbor or relative gets...

Adopting Vegetarianism is easy, being Health conscious and compassionate towards Animals

If Humans become genuinely spiritual not for the sake of society but for one's own self, become more health conscious, develop compassion and love towards Animals, they switch over to vegetarianism. We don't intend to hurt any of your feelings, but as it was rightly said by ISKCON, "You are what you eat!" This is also correct, because your food is mainly responsible for your behavior whether you are intelligent or cunning or lazy or anything else. Everything we eat contributes in one way or the other to one of our qualities. If you eat food derived from the plants, you would be peaceful, sharp, healthy and with good behavior. If you eat more meat and less vegetarian, you would become lazy, more prone to illnesses and ill-mannered in your behavior. This can be noted, in fact, by any one of us observing our surrounding people whose food habits are known to us.

Cultural or Historical reasons are no excuses for not adopting a Vegetarian diet

Cultural or Historical reasons are no excuses for not having a vegetarian diet. It is an uncivilized act to say bluntly, because though many people know that you can make your balanced diet with vegetarian diet alone, people tend to eat meat only for the pleasure, rather than the real health concerns. Of course health really gets better with increased vegetarian food than the meat or animal based foods. Whether we believe it or not, the humans started separating themselves from the animals, prior to which the humans were similar to the animals in their life style. Such human evolution had happened in various parts of this world irrelevant to one another, and we know it from our history that there were great civilizations like the Mohenjadaro, Harappa, Indus valley civilizations in Indian sub-continent whereas there were Mayan Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Roman Civilization in Europe and other parts of the world.

Vegetarian diet contributes to Spiritual development while Meat consumption contributes to Spiritual degradation

There will be no real spiritual development or real devotion as long as you eat meat, enjoy the food which is prepared by harming orkilling the animals. Here is the important question for those who love to eat meat – "Why the same Supreme God, who created both the humans and the animals (besides creating everything else in this universe), made the human body in such a way that if you scientifically evaluate the biological similarities between the man and all the types of vertebral animals, the human body is falling under the herbivorous category and not under the carnivorous category?"

Vegetarian food as a diet is not at all a hindrance to gain health and intelligence

Vegetarianism (Vegetarian diet as the food habit) is not at all a hindrance to gain health and intelligence. Nowadays it is scientifically proven too.  "Without eating meat, fish, seafood, how can you be healthy? How can you get all the necessary balanced diet?" are the general questions asked by most of the Westerners especially to the Indian vegetarians, when they come to know that there exist the people who don't eat meat, fish, eggs, etc., but only eat food based on green leaves, vegetables and fruits, pulses and grains, some being lacto-vegetarians and some others being pure vegans.

Adopting Vegetarian diet besides leading a pious life makes any person, a True Brahmin

Vegetarianism is the closest practice to follow non-violence and that will lead to Human compassion towards animals, besides contributing to a person’s tranquility to a certain extent. Instead, meat consumption is violence towards animals and it contributes to uncontrollable passions that become the root cause of people’s selfish behavior to a certain extent. To call a spade a spade, we sometimes need courage and determination to face the criticism, especially if you are addressing something to a group in which the majority of people oppose the concept. Speaking about Vegetarianism, Humans love towards animals, Spirituality will generally draw more criticism than appreciation, because the majority of the people in this world support the meat eating habits citing health reasons, religious reasons, cultural reasons or some other. In this article, the term ‘Brahmin’ is used where felt needed, and we humbly request you to understand it in the true spirit, that it is by the dee...

Bhagavad Gita - Practical implementation in Life

The simple unassuming character of mind has changed with the march of time and has assumed a colorful disposition, and begun to shed its effect on everything in us, both outer and inner. Whatever, therefore, we take into our thought or action exhibits colorfulness in all its phases. Our excessive attachment to the environment, and surroundings of a similar nature, create in us heaviness and grossness. Subtleness is lost and everything that comes to our view is interpreted in the same light. This not only veils our understanding, but the heart and brain also get affected by it. It was the same tendency of mind, which displayed itself through all the writings of men of knowledge and learning. For thorough understanding of things, one must have practically attained the state of mind required, before one can come out to explain it to others. The same was the case with our sacred GITA.  There are numerous commentaries and more are still being added. Almost everyone attempted it from hi...

Who will be happy during Death?

The end of life is death. Spiritualists say that there is life after death. Lord Sri Krishna in his Gita says that the soul still exists even after death and the air, water, even fire cannot destroy the soul. “Soul is the thing, that the weapon can’t destroy, the fire can’t burn, the water can’t wet and the wind can’t blow away. It exists till it merges with the ultimate at the time of total dissolution. By this it is understood that death is not at all the end. It is just a fall of outermost sheath called Annamayakosa (the body), which is a solid one around the soul. This fall of outer sheath is only due to its wear and tear, or otherwise this can be understood as a pause for rest, brought by Nature. When we subject this body to overwork mentally or physically, we get sleep, which is nothing but a pause that is brought up automatically. Death can also be understood in the same line. After rest one has to wake up and continue the work left out, which is still at his disposal. So ...

Cycle of Births and Deaths

The Hindu Philosophy and the Vedic school of thought firmly believe in ‘ Punarjanma ’ (Rebirth). The most glorious epic to Hindus, the ‘ Bhagavadgita ’ proclaims that death is inevitable and after death rebirth is inevitable too, in this sentence - “ Jaatasya hi druvo mruthyuhu, Dhruvan janma mruthasyacha ………… .” There is a cycle called ‘ Life and Death ’ cycle. There is freedom for a soul from this cycle only when we attain ' Moksha' (Salvation). So about this inevitable process of births and deaths one should not worry. It is simply like going to bed at night and falling asleep and waking up again in the morning. That means death is simply going to rest and birth is getting up after rest. In between the conscious time is our life. Leaving this mortal frame (body) during the death and getting another body during the rebirth, is simply changing the worn out dress day after day. This is one way of understanding our life, and this life and death cycle. This world...

Creating a Blog, using it and things to know about it

To define a Blog, inform about how to create it, use it, follow the etiquette and benefit from it, there are too many websites, and few websites are mainly aimed at helping new bloggers and they make money out of it. The scope of this article is to explain about Blogging to the non-techie users in a concise way. It provides you a basic idea about Blogging and provides you many insights about which you can later verify and gain experience on your own browsing the Internet on those topics. What is a Blog? As you may already know that Blog is a form of website which is maintained like a journal, where all the articles posted will be displayed in the reverse chronological order – meaning, the latest Post (articles referred to as Posts in Blogging terminology) appears on the front page as the first item and all the previous posts appear in the descending order. Uses of a Blog A Blog is mainly used by individuals or a group of individuals or even companies to keep th...

Realisation of God through Penance

If you see in Indian epics, people have taken up penance by going to forests for meditation and  for pleasing their beloved deity. Especially kings resorted to forests and taken up penance to get children or to get some powerful boons such as deathless life, victories etc., At the point of their success in penance the deity appears before them and grants boons according to their desires. How can it be possible? Let us think over and see what our Spiritual Masters wrote about it. Generally one craves for something and concentrates on heart, nose end, spine end or on a point on forehead in between the eyes (bhrukuti) thinking that his deity will appear duly pleased by his penance. This thought  of energy by concentration on a point will bring the form of deity before him and grant boons proposed by him. This happens by enfoldment of Kundalini Shakti (power knots in the spine cord) and power gets unleashed. In this process only Ravana the villain of Ramayana saw his...

Pranahuti regulates the tendencies of mind - Sahaj Marg

The revered Master Sri Rama Chandraji Maharaj says that spiritual training for the attainment of higher stages is only possible from the process of 'Pranahuti' (Yo gic transmission) and by no other means. Emphasizing the importance of 'Pranahuti', is because the superior power of Master combined with self effort reinforces the spiritual progress. Besides this, in this path our consciousness of self effort remains subdued and never promotes the feeling of ‘ Ahankara ’ (Ego) and ‘Pride’, which often influence the worshippers following the grosser mechanical methods. The power of transmission is a yogic attainment of a very high order by which a 'Yogi' can infuse by his will power the yogic energy or Godly effulgence on anyone, and removes anything unwanted in him or detrimental to his spiritual progress. He can exercise the power not only on those assembled around him, but also on those who are away from him. Pranahuti is brought into effect through the power ...

God's Love is impartial to All and the Results we get in our lives are based on our Attitude

One should maintain an attachment with  God. This may differ from person to person. One may think about Him as his Lover, Relative, Master, Guide or even as a Foe who frightens him. However he never shows any inequality or any unevenness towards the people who like him or does not like him. In His view, all are His children and He will show no partiality among them. Liking and disliking are no concerns in his view. However we may feel that God punishes some people and grants boons to some others. This is not correct and it is only our ignorant perception. The Hindu Srimad Bhagavath Gita (BhagavadGita) confirms it in several instances. The nature of God is to save all from down fall and to keep them  on the right path to reach Him. For this, the treatment of God depends upon our own behavior or attitude. If our behavior is smooth, the treatment will also be smooth. If it is harsh, the same is the treatment. So love for love and enmity for enmity. It is automatic. In oth...

The Best people do their Duty as a service unmindful of Obstacles and Results

Srimath BhagavadGita is a universally accepted Holy Book and the best of all other spiritual books for Hindus. It has discussed  ‘ Karma’ (Duty) in detail. Lord Krishna says that one should perform one's duty without having any expectations on its profits. He named such duty as ` Nishkama Karma ’ meaning, the ‘Desireless duty’ , which gives a comfortable peaceful life. However some atheists have taken it very lightly, misinterpreted it and have laughed at it quoting some examples that no farmer will indulge in agriculture unmindful of a profitable crop or no one does business without thinking of his profits. To the materialistic world of this age, all these claims of the atheists may seem appropriate, but there is more to life than to just think about logic, science, passions or money. While reading the  Holy Scriptures we should consult our heart but not our intellect . Then only we will get its true meaning. Desireless duty is always a true attitude. A man...

Critics are disguised Compliments, so get Inspired and do your best for Success in your life

After a long time I got a chance to share some thoughts with you. I had gone through some books this time again, I am learning a bit of knowledge every time from them. While reading about Lord Rama in Bhagavatham I was so inspired by the way Lord Rama treats his brothers. Rama is a good example for a son, brother, husband and for a great emperor as well. There is an incident in Ramayana in which Rama was playing with his brothers and after the play was over Rama went to ‘Kaikeyi’ (his step mother) and told her that he was defeated by Bharatha (his brother) with a large smile on his face and happiness, but Bharatha complained that Rama was losing the game every time to make Bharatha happy and win the game. The lesson we can learn from it is those who serves others will reap more. Giving is a joy in comparison to Receiving . This is a simple principle in life ‘the life lead for others (for other’s happiness) is more worthy and has a meaning for it.’ For a man to live without self...

Tapatraya (3 Cravings) of Humans and the suitable methods to suffice them

Tapatraya in Sanskrit, means 'The 3 Cravings (Anxieties)' of the Human Life. Trying for a thing or for a purpose with undue longing and anxiety is generally called as Tapatraya (Craving). This is the common man’s view. But spiritually this has got a different meaning, a meaning in true sense. These three kinds of cravings termed as Tapatraya are  - 1. Aadhi Bhouthika (Physical) , 2. Aadhi Dyvika (Mental) , and 3. Adhyatmika (Spiritual). The explanation of these three may differ from one school of thought to the other. But let us think according to our view.

Satya Tatvam (Truthfulness) is greater than Religious rituals and Sacrifices

Satya Tatvam in Sanskrit, means Truthfulness or Honesty . 'Telling what is heard and what is seen as it is, is called 'truthfulness'. One who tells the facts without any hypocrisy or cunningness in mind is called a man of truthfulness. Leading this kind of life is not an easy thing. The Mahabharata, the Indian epic tells about this truthfulness as follows: “Even if you compare with thousand performances of religious sacrifices, Truth proves its greatness over  them. The pious dipping and worshiping in all sacred rivers and making pilgrimages are also not equal to truth. Truth is the highest virtue”. Only speaking the truth is not a limit to a truthful person. Not crossing or acting against what he himself said is real truthfulness. In Indian epics, we find the king ‘Harischandra’ having such a truthful personality. He stood very firm to fulfil his words given to Viswamithra Maharishi. He sold away his wife, his child and he himself became a watch man to a burial gr...

Ahimsa (Non Violence) is the greatest virtue for any human being

Ahimsa (Non-violence) is the highest virtue. It is accepted by each and every religion and sect in some form or the other. But is there anyone who follows non-violence 100% ? The answer will be no in all the cases, because taking vegetarian food is also not out of violence. The vegetables like leafy plants, roots, fruits and also grains and pulses all are with life and eating them also is violence. So in the ‘Mahabharata’ (an Indian epic) in ‘Aranyaparva’ non-violence is defined as follows: "There is no one on the surface of earth without committing violence. But one should keep away from violence to the extent possible. So keeping away from violence to the extent possible is itself called non-violence." To all the living beings eating is a must to survive. So eating for survival is not violence. But living for only eating is not acceptable as non-violence. Hence one should only eat to live and not live to eat . So doing minimum harm to the co-living beings fo...

Writers, Authors and Bloggers must strive for 'Sahityam' and not for just limelight

There is a word in Sanskrit 'Sahityam' . All the literature i.e., writings in prose, poetry or in any other manner comes under this main heading Sahityam, which really means ' with good, with welfare ' and for good only. By this we can understand that the responsible writers or poets, the modern bloggers, web publishers should write only good and which helps the readers to live in welfare. But nowadays, many writers or bloggers or poets have broken all the bars (standards) and are writing whatever they like, causing mental turmoil to the readers. Sex, violence, terrorism and superstitions are being inflicted on the common man especially on the youth in the form of books (mediocre and misguiding), cinemas, TV series and through the websites.

Simplicity leads to Real Life as defined in Sahaj Marg

Simplicity reveals the real state of a man. To live in tune with Nature is simplicity. It is not as easy as we think so. Man has gathered ' un-naturality' (artificiality) around him in the name of day by day evolution. Some articles which we treat them this year as unnecessary and luxuries have become necessities for the next year. Costly dresses like professional suiting, ornaments, TVs, Internet, Car etc., which we looked as luxurious in the yesteryears, have now became necessary things.  Now it became difficult to decide which is luxury and which is the simple need. The economical status of a man may decide which the luxury is, and which the simple need is. Man has strayed away a long distance from simplicity. We are now in a stage of comparative simplicity .  We know the result of leading luxurious life crossing our earning capacity. We will be drowned in debts. We feel self reproach when once leading a luxurious life have fallen down to lead a pathetic life...

Homeopathy medicines - A Guide for the Old, Poor and the Needy people

The last stage in human life is Old age. At this stage old people will encounter negligence from others including their families in some worst cases. Not only this, they will develop self negligence. Due to Competitiveness, tension due to pressure of work, spending leisure time on viewing TV, Children's education etc., youth also neglects them. Though the youth have love and affection towards them , they are not spending sufficient time as expected  by the old people due to the  above reasons. Youth working in foreign countries is also one of the reasons. As a  result, old  people  are getting mental imbalance. They feel  that their vast experience in dealing things and  their sacrifices  for the family have no recognition by their kith and kin.Neglected presence of the old  people in taking decisions in important family matters will lead them to distress and self non-attention over the diseases from which they suffer. As a result they ...

Tips and things to know before buying a HandyCam (Video Camera or Camcorder)

With the advancement in the Electronics day by day, there is an increase in the number of features if we define a limit to our budget and at the same time if you stick on to a particular model the prices are being considerably reduced with each passing month. Right from the luxurious Laptops, LCD TVs, Mobile phones up to the simple USB flash drives the trends are similar. And during the festival seasons like Christmas, Pongal, Dusshera, Diwali, etc, there could be some mind blowing offers too. Buying a video camera , nowadays, most popularly known as HandyCam , is of course a little bit tough decision to make. Because it involves a considerable number of technical parameters to be taken into consideration before buying it. Unlike a DVD Player where only the number of formats or the speakers connectivity that matters the most, or unlike a LCD TV for which the screen size and resolution that matter the most, for the HandyCam there are a number of technical specifications to be loo...

Attain Reality and Bliss following Sahaj Marg and proceed further for Union with the Ultimate (Supreme God)

The essence of the ' Infinite' (understood and termed as the Supreme God by the wise men), that is ' Reality ' is within us. It is with us since the beginning of our individual entity because of a stir in the 'Ultimate' the process of creation started. Everything emerged from the Ultimate and a tinge of its essence in the shape of energy has crept into the creation. We too have our share as we are also the part and parcel of the creation.

Absolute Spirituality explained by Sahaj Marg

Spirituality is a way of life, which leads to Reality and transforms a man into a Real man. It reveals the ultimate truth which science cannot . Science can bring forth certain facts in a laboratory through experiments, but there are numerous facts which cannot be proved in the laboratory. Spirituality deals with all such facts. It is a way to reach the Ultimate (God). It is a method through which the secrets of the Nature are unveiled.

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