
Showing posts from December, 2013

LifeTools series YearBook for your Personal Success and Productivity

One of the good resolutions to be made for the New Year is for being more effective and productive. Once you become both effective and productive, you'll discover that you have enough time to do many important things. We all need some tools for our lives to be productive. One of such tools is ViprasCraft's 'YearBook' in 'LifeTools' series. In fact, this simple yet powerful tool has been tested by our team over the last year privately and because we have had incredible improvement in our productivity and efficiency levels, we wanted to present this new year gift to all our readers. This YearBook is organized into 3 important sections - 1. Roles, Goals and Habits , 2. Weekly Plan and 3. Things to Do .

Life Divine - Surrendering to God the only way to overcome obstacles in Life

We are all common men connected with so many worldly things, attached to and bounded by social, family, economic, and health problems. All the time one or the other issue could be annoying us. Every one of us is struggling to come out of them in the easiest way possible. This has become a life-long game and nobody is an exception to it irrespective of his personal status. For getting relieved from all these troubles, everyone has his/her own ways, but last of all those options is perhaps a common one that is surrendering the fate to God, the Almighty. This shows how much belief we really have in God. As lip service, we propound that He is the Almighty and a savior, but in the innermost core of our hearts, we have the very least belief in his existence! Isn't it? That is why we resort to him at last when we run out of all other options, considering that if at all He exists let Him help us, otherwise it is just a matter of spending a little more for some puja (prayer), Yajn...

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