
Showing posts from 2014

Using Web Access and Email Client programs for accessing, archiving & retrieving Emails

Further to the evaluation of importance of email management (explained in this post Email Management is an important issue ) it is now important to know the methods of accessing emails. Email is a service provided by many companies like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and many businesses on their own, with the same objective of allowing their users to have an identity in and out of their organizations. Methods to access emails Web Access The simplest method is to access via web. That means the email service provider provides a web address and the user can simply use this URL for logging in from any computer or mobile using the available browsers. The advantage of this method is the direct and updated access to the email server.

Why managing and organizing Email is an important issue?

Email is an indispensable tool in the modern offices which require their employees to work on computers for many professions. Email is a word that literally means electronic mail and now email has replaced the traditional letters between various organizations, persons and family members. Business do send important letters related to contracts where signatures are involved, but otherwise the trend these days is to stick with email, opt to receive bills online, for saving time, energy and environment. In spite of a tremendous raise of IM (instant messaging) apps because of large number of mobile subscribers, email still has its place on the internet space and it may exist till a new agreed method of credible communication would be invented that could replace email. In the near future it doesn't seem to be possible.

Best Prayer is that which doesn't request or demand or seek any worldly thing from God

Prayer is a sign of devotion. It includes respect, love, pleading, and faith. By praying a person expresses his helplessness and surrenders to the Master (God) and pleads for help. It is the connecting link between the Master (God) and the self. Many people generally pray with specific motives based on the belief that if you pray sincerely you would get what you pray for. People pray for many reasons such as personal benefits or for the sake of others. An average person mainly prays to God when he is unable to face difficulties in his life. Prayer as a method of worship is common in every religion. It may involve the use of words of praise or songs by an individual or group of people. The people who pray about some worldly benefits like job, money, power, etc., and some other requirements like recovery from illness, happiness, etc., are generally in the initial stage of their spiritual journey. Prayers of spiritually progressing persons are without worldly expectations, but...

Blogging made simple by free 'Windows Live Writer' program

If you are the owner of a blog, or just an author who is only concerned about writing the stuff, Windows Live Writer is one program that helps you greatly. You may be in a team of Bloggers in which one is the editor who looks after the content as well as the formatting (bells & whistles) while you may be the one mostly concerned with 'content' which is the king in blog promotion. While we need to acknowledge that generally all blogging services like ‘Blogger’, ‘Wordpress’, ‘Typepad’ do provide almost all options needed to create a nice blog post, they aren’t very easy for everyone, particularly to those of older generations who weren’t using computers during their job days. Particularly when a website or a blog employs more than one person to do the blogging job, the authors may not be computer literates to an extent that they can play with HTML code, widgets, tweaking the CSS, etc.

Trust Tytan 2.1 subwoofer audio system succeeds in creating trust

Trust Tytan 2.1 (wired) subwoofer set at its affordable price in the lower to mid price range seems to be an excellent choice if you limit yourself to buy a good subwoofer speaker set to be used for both your laptop and smartphone. Trust company seems to be making trust with its customers and one of the VC team's staff has been satisfied with the performance of this loud speaker system.

Organize the data and folders on your Computer for free without any need of software

With ever increasing digital data (files) and fast improving hardware components for the computer, it becomes an increasingly daunting task to organize a computer which has a lot of files, ie., digital files. However with experience and a simple strategy, we can organize the computer folders easily and freely without having the need to spend a single penny for any software. Yes, no software needed. After all, a computer is only as intelligent as its maker, the human. Having said this, it is also important to have realistic expectations about your data to be organized and the time you need to organize the data on your computer. If you have 10 years of data messed up, you may need few hours or minutes every day over a long time to properly organize all the data found on your computer.

Follow Sanatana Dharma (Righteousness) in Life

Dharma is a Sanskrit word having different meanings being used according to the situation. It is also loosely translated as 'faith' which is not correct. Faith is based on belief, Dharma is based on Truth. At times it is used in the sense of justice and in other senses it is used as a donation. By righteous character man becomes Godly otherwise the same man becomes a devil. Dharma can be interpreted in many ways, but it basically means the 'true and natural' property. And when it is used to express eternal laws of this Universe that govern this Nature that includes nanoparticles, microbes to planets, ecosystems, vast galaxies, etc., and when it refers to the unchangeable perfect laws of Karma which form the basis of all causes and effects in this world, the wise sages of India called this Dharma as 'Sanatana Dharma (Sanātana Dharma)' which means 'the eternal laws of righteousness. Dharma is the moral law, which guides one's...

Anuloma - Viloma Sukha Pranayama (Alternate breathing exercise in comfortable pose)

DEFINITION OF PRANAYAMA: Pranayama (Prāṇāyāma) is a combination of two Sanskrit words 'Prana' which means life force, vital energy or breath, and 'Ayama' which means to extend. This forms a part of various yogic practices devised in ancient India. Nowadays almost everybody from school-going children to college students to private and public employees, business people, etc., leads mechanical life in towns and cities. They find no time to concentrate on their health. Even they have no time to verify whether their food proportionately contains sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc., required daily for their health. If such is the case where is the time for them to look after their physical and mental fitness? To give some tips to our readers, ViprasCraft is suggesting the following simple alternate breathing exercise in a comfortable pose, also known as Anuloma-Viloma Sukha Pranayama (Comfortable alternate breathing e...

What is true Bhakti (Devotion)?

WHAT IS DEVOTION? Bhakti (loosely translated in English as Devotion), in Sanskrit, means no Vibhaktham (detachment) from the highest i.e., GOD. The term Bhakti (Devotion) comes from the root 'Bhaj' which means to be attached to GOD. Bhakti is intense devotion and supreme attachment to GOD. It is pure, unselfish, divine love or suddha (pure) prem. Saints have defined it as an irrevocable attachment with GOD. The feeling of Bhakti cannot be described in words. It has to be experienced by the devotee. It unites the devotee with the Lord. It is a self-generated fire within, which consumes all the passions like anger, undue wants, lust, pride, etc., without any physical awareness. It is otherwise defined as the highest love developed towards God without any physical expectations in return. That means one should have no answer as to why and what for he loves GOD. Such true love is called devotion. Offering something and praying for so many things in return is in no w...

Why Napoleon Hill's 'Think & Grow Rich' is a must read book?

Why we recommend to all our readers some great books from time to time? It is because great books are great friends in our lives. One idea from one book can change your life. Reading a book is discussing with the author of that book. And if the author is someone like Napoleon Hill who had researched the lives of more than 500 successful people, his book can't be a normal one. It could be like a magnum opus, and in fact it is. THINK & GROW RICH was first published during the great depression of 1930s and since then it never stopped inspiring people. Many of us have a natural trait of being 'team people'. It is also illustrated in Stephen Covey's book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people' under Habit-4: 'Think Win/Win'. That means I will be happy when I win and others win along with me, at least if the things are in my control. It pains me a lot, to see good people feel unhappy over their lives. Maybe as I understand it well that when w...

CORRUPTION - the cause, its effect, the types and the solution for eliminating it

WHAT IS CORRUPTION? Misuse of entrusted funds and power for private/individual gain is termed Corruption. It is generally described as cheating, bribing, or doing other unethical things to get personal benefit or profit. It includes giving or accepting bribes, offering inappropriate gifts, manipulating elections, swallowing funds allotted by the Government/Employer for personal gain, laundering money, cheating investors in various schemes, etc., Corruption is universal. It exists in all developed and developing countries in varying degrees, both in the public and private sectors, as well as in non-profit and charitable institutions. Corruption has its own grades and they range from liquor, women and social influence, and finally liquid cash. Many lives have been ruined by bad vices like gambling, drinking, betting, etc., and corrupt people are using these devices to ruin their rivals. Corruption is a major issue for most countries which adversely affects the eco...

Know the real objective of Yoga besides the Wellbeing and Physical fitness aspects

The real objective of Yoga has been shrouded in false beliefs in the recent decades due to the ever increasing marketing propaganda about the physical fitness aspects and aerobics. Many Yoga centers in many countries including India have found Yoga as a good business tool and there has been an increasing focus about the Yoga, its advantages to the physical fitness and flexibility are being overwhelmingly discussed. All that can be considered as just one of the many dimensions of Yoga called ‘Hatha Yoga’ and it is not complete Yoga in itself. Though almost every one is quite familiar with the name ‘YOGA’, there may perhaps be only a few who understand it in its true spirit. Some think about it to be a mysterious science leading to certain supernatural powers known as Siddhis.  Others confine it to physical exercises of Asana (posture), Pranayama (regulated breathing), etc., meant only for wellbeing, the purpose of building up a sound physique so as to be able ...

Tips for buying a Desktop/Laptop computer, criteria to choose among Tabs, Smartphones and PCs

What do I need to buy, a desktop? Or a laptop computer? Or is it good to buy a tablet instead? What about a Smartphone instead of all these? And then is it good to buy a Tablet with 3G and WiFi? If you get all these questions in your mind, well, the answer is very simple. You are the only person who can decide what the best for you is. It all depends on your needs first. Then it depends on your budget. And then it comes down to the understanding of the technical advantages and limitations associated with each type of device. If you are the one who thinks or is actually trying to figure out if Smartphone and Tablets can replace the computer, you are mistaken. Honestly there is a greater craze and buzz in the market today about these devices rather than the real needs. In a simple order of wishlist, we can say that the order of preference shall be 1. Desktop/Laptop computer, 2. Smartphone, 3. Tablets.

YearBook - Personal productivity tool from LifeTools series by ViprasCraft

ViprasCraft's YearBook  (LifeTools series) can be best utilized following these simple guidelines: Making your book first: Based on your convenience you can either choose A4 or A5 paper optimized format of YearBook. A4 format : If you have opted for the A4 paper size format, it is just sufficient to print this free PDF file in this way: First print all the pages in the PDF file back to back (front & rear) printing on A4 sheets. You will get 5 A5 sheets with 10 pages printed on them back to back. First sheet with pages 1 & 2 serves as a Cover page as well as a guide with instructions for better use. Second sheet with pages 3 &4 serves as the section 'Roles, Goals and Habits'. You can take as many photocopies of this page as you want. But if you ask us how many pages would be ideal, we recommend 2 sheets (with 4 sides) as ideal. Considering 30 goals per page (15 x 2 columns) we make 60 per sheet which means a total of 120 goals. That means in a year y...

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