Before the creation was started there was nothing but peace. When the creation started the peace also commenced disturbing. The mountains and valleys, sea and land, good and bad all ups and downs came into existence. From time to time the wise strived to restore the disturbed peace. The religions, the peace restoring societies, and so many organizations are at work to bring back peace. But the very same organizations and religions have become cause to disturb peace more and more in course of time. When you want a peak the valley is a must. If you want ups, downs are inevitable. The so-called nature is like that. We cannot avoid only downs keeping ups. It is possible only after total dissolution, where there will be no ups and downs and everything has vanished. As long as the created nature exists total and absolute peace is impossible. But whenever the need arises Nature will maintain and equalize the balance. How and when it happens is beyond our comprehension. Here the ...