
Showing posts from 2017

Subtlest Means

The time has come that the man is awakened to the need for Spirituality.  The force of Creation has created outward tendencies in man.  That is why in course of time, he has created several worlds which have resulted in making him complex. The present imperfect state of mind is the result of his own doings. Unfortunately, the basic fact that God is simple and can be achieved by simple means is lost sight of.  It has been preached from almost all platforms that realization of the Absolute(God) is beyond the capacity of the common man.  This mistaken notion, prompted by self-styled gurus, has settled down in almost everybody's heart, and today they have even lost the craving for higher aspirations. The common man has as much right and capacity to realize God as those sitting in the hierarchy of religion, rather more.  What is needed is a correct and natural path followed with complete devotion. Sahaj Marg urges people to realize this simple truth and apply it...

Natural Path

The system promulgated by the Mission is known as Sahaj Marg, or the Natural Path of Realisation of the One, the Ultimate.  Unfortunately, the realisation of the Absolute has so far been thought to be the hardest job almost beyond the capacity of a common man.  This mistaken notion prompted by the misplaced teachings and preachings of the so-called leaders of religion, has so deeply settled down in almost every heart that the very craving for higher aspiration seems to have died out therefrom.  God is simple and can be achieved by simple means.  This is what Sahaj Marg stands for and presents to the world.  The purpose of the Mission  is served if people begin to realise this simple truth and apply it in their daily routine of life.   As a matter of fact, the very simplicity of Nature is in itself the veil which serves as an impediment in the way of our progress.  Under the SahajMarg System, this toilsome task is accomplishe...

Role of Nature

We should do our duty to uplift Mankind, not minding whether they are doing their duty towards us properly.  We believe that it is the highest moral which we should achieve,  though   with some troubles and sacrifices on our part. This is a part of saintliness.  When we work, it is but natural that some hurdles are also there.  Gradually they diminish. There are good people  everywhere hankering for Him. If we do service, success will surely  dawn. Blessed are those who have a glimpse of Divinity, even though it may be momentary.  In the Sahaj Marg System, very higher things sometimes come even in the lower stages.  That means Nature is fomenting one with fire of devotion. Cold and heat are almost the same but with a little difference.  The lower part of it is heat, because weightless weight is there above it. If both naturalise, that is the real realisation.  So, only remove the weight and you will find no density....

Ultimate Solution

God is simple and the method followed to achieve Him is also simple and straight. Man, technically termed homo sapiens i.e., wise man, has tried to seek God. Thought when purely divine, can reach the Source without fail.  If corrupted with attributes and qualities, realisation also becomes corrupted and degraded.  Gross methods give grosser results. Meditation on the simple, pure and Ultimate alone can save man in his crisis. This surely makes him more and more simple, bringing him closer and closer to the original home.  As you think, so you become. There should be the subtlest method to realise the Subtlest Being(God).There should be one method,one Master and one God.  Of course, selection you will have to do yourself. The density of the thought can only be removed if we take to the subtler  method. If you want Divinity, the method should be easy, smooth and natural. A boy likes toy in his tender age, and as he grows older, love for the toy is go...

Worship - The Real Sadhana

All the religions in the world have prescribed one way or the other for the realization of God--the Immaterial Absolute. They have also given higher ideals of life and most of the people have begun to follow them. As the time went on, they began to peep into other sides as well, because the scythe of time brought about these changes in them.  The environment of the living world began to attract them and the necessities of life compelled them to take the other course.  Arts and crafts also developed and deities of different sorts were carved out by the artists under the name of different Gods and people worshiped them. The wise men of the times, to start with, had to prescribe those modes of worship that may, ultimately, take them to Yoga--the sure-shot of Realisation.  But, according to the laws  of Nature, devolution follows evolution and vice versa.  Their minds did not travel further to the real side with the result that the images became personified G...

Divine Grace

Almost all systems of sadhana have two aspects--one self practice or abhyas and the other the Master's help and support.  In order to develop the required condition, self effort(abhyas) alone is not all or even enough.  It must be supplemented by  Divine Grace which is the one essential for the purpose.  Only a person capable of transmitting Divine Grace through the Yogic Process of Pranahuti is fit to become a Master.  The selection  of such a worthy Master is certainly a problem. An easy method of judging a worthy Guru(Master) is when you happen to come in contact with one, try to understand whether or not His association promotes in you a feeling of peace and calmness, and the restless tendencies of your mind seem to be silenced for the time being at least, without causing any weighty effect upon it. If it is so, you must thereby conclude that He can be a fit person to help you in the solution of your life problem.  In Sahajmarg, Divine Gr...

Love Universal

Things come and go, but we remain the same.  If we thoroughly scrutinize ourselves, changeless state is there, but we are connected with the changeable and either we take interest in it or hate it, and both of them are the links for bondage.  We should rise above all these things if we want to live a peaceful life.  Sahajmarg brings out these results if we do practice it with interest. Many say that they are trying hard to raise themselves from the mire of thoughts and emotions.  It is of course, the duty of an abhyasi and he is awakened to that state and work starts in that colour. A piece of cloth is prepared by the wisdom of the weaver.  His hands are at work but he displays his wisdom by the movement of his hands.  Wisdom has its own center, but it works through the hand also.  Similarly when the idea of betterment is there, this is the sure sign of improvement. God has created the world so that every flower may grow in its right stand...

Our Real Existence

When we were born into this world for the first time, we were Pure because the Source from which we have descended or come down is Purity. The time went on, and in our innumerable births we have gathered around us different types of grossness by our actions. In this present existence too we are performing actions, and the result is these very actions slowly form layer after layer of grossness around the original Purity, so that in course of time we come to resemble the silk worm that has spun a cocoon around itself. When man reaches this stage of His earthly existence, His life is one of artificiality and full of grossness,both at the level of action and in results. The original Purity has been reduced to a faint glimmer, and that is often scarcely perceptible.  All memory of His original Source or Homeland is now forgotten, and as action follows action the shell around Him gets harder and harder and His memory of the Source gets fainter, until it is almost completely forgott...

Easiest way of Realization of God

Which is the easiest way of realization of God? We belong to the country where religious spirit has ever been flowing in one or the other form.  Diverse means are adopted for the purpose of gaining the objective of life.  They may be correct if the heart is connected with it in the real sense, so as to be absorbed in the essence of real life.  We are bred to have union with Reality which we have emerged from.  We have brought with us the very essence of Infinity and we should try to keep close to it, in order to give freedom to our thought for absorption in the Infinite.  If we neglect it, we remain bound to activity of thought, and not to the Reality at the root which is limitless.   Hymns and prayers offered generally result in flattery when one is dumb to the real spirit of the essential character.  Great teachers have always been actively speculating to devise means and methods of higher approach, though the solution is quite at hand....

The Purpose of Life

What is the Purpose of Life ? Our ancestors have started their ways of realization in the forests, away from the life of action, forsaking all ties of worldly connection with their fellow beings and others. We, under the Sahaj Marg System, try to create such an atmosphere around us, in our homes, so that they serve the purpose of forests. What we do is to attach ourselves more to God, and the result is that non-attachment follows automatically as a corollary.  We thus come to the state of vairagya naturally without any effort on our part. There should be a goal before us, and we should try to attain it most naturally. There are many methods of realization, and each one claims its efficacy as the best.  But it is our duty, before entering into any system, to consider which is the best system, and it depends upon one’s own judgment and the Grace of God to get a real method to solve the mystery of one’s life. It is an admitted fact that the thought force of man is nearer to God. ...

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