Hinduism is not a religion. It is Hindu Dharma, a way of life. Hindu dharma has many specialties. It is known as Sanathana Dharma. Sanathana means always existing, eternal, which cannot be destroyed by anything and everlasting. Dharma means, the way of life with all Aachaaras or customs and rituals. In each and every aachaara there will be a hidden scientific reason. All acharaas are followed for the mental and physical health; long life; prosperity and wealth; for strong family and social bondage. Following the aacharaas as per our Dharma, give a fine personality, dharmic outlook, and vision. In India, everyone follows aachaaras for the above-mentioned psychological, physiological family relation, and social benefit viz., though we follow different religions we belong to one Country. It is everyone's right and duty to understand scientifically and logically the meaning of each and every...