Moha(Delusion) is a state of mind which does not permit scope for discrimination. It is ignorant of the true facts and is the origin of egoism. It is one of the six bad vices and prevents one from knowing the truth and makes one addict to the gratification of sensual pleasures and makes us run after the material enjoyment. This can cause any misery in one's life and binds the soul to the process of birth and death. The main obstacle for one's spiritual heritage causing him to lose knowledge of his true being is Moha(Delusion). This internal enemy drags the humans form all the sides away from the soul and makes life miserable. Lord Srikrishna, in Bhagavath Githa in Chapter.16 verse 16, cautions us about the effect of Moha ( Delusion). " Aneka - chitta - vibhrantah moha-jala samavritah prasanth kama - bhogeshu patani matale shuchau" . Possessed and led astray by such imaginings enveloped in Mo...