Which are Beautiful Eyes?

Eyes are organs of the visual system and are blessings of God to humans. Everybody has different types of eyes. Some people have brown and some have black and many other colors. Round, monolid, hooded, downturned, upturned and almond are the six main eye shapes and all are fabulous in their own way. They are more than just windows to the outside world. God gave us eyes to see the beauty in nature. Eyes can express sadness, anger, joy, fear, jealousy and surprise. In humans, male and female have different facial characteristics caused by the hormone-testosterone levels which they possess. Facial beauty plays a crucial role in social interactions. Eyes and hair are more important for the beauty of the face. Eyes are considered as one of the most wonderful things we have. With our eyes, we could see the beauty of God's creation. Sometimes, we can also presume how a person feels through his /her eyes which indicate anger, sadness, ...