MADHA(PRIDE/EGO) is the root of all evil and one of the six bad vices viz., Kama(Desire), Krodha( Anger), Lobha(Greed), Moha(Attachment), Madha(Pride) and Mascharya( Jealous). It is a conceited attitude or way of behaving. Due to the predominance of the three Gunas i.e., Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic, its nature varies from person to person. In Pride, Rajas Guna predominates and true spiritual progress cannot be achieved. A pride person has an excessive self-image, feels different from others, is too interested in appearance and proud of his abilities. He feels too confident and does not show enough respect for other people. A feeling that he is better or more important than others, acts as a hurdle when one tries to have a positive relationship with him. When viewed as a virtue, it is known as virtuous pride about the greatness of his soul or generosity, but when viewed as a vice it is often known to be self-praisi...