Losing Weight the Right Way

When we look at the world with different cuisines and varying food habits, we can't easily conclude anything as to what is a good diet and what is a good weight-loss plan. There is so much research already done and is being done on many aspects ranging from health to fitness to food to cuisine and the timing of consuming food. We also may fall prey to the business tactics employed by various groups who "sell" their technique as the best. In this post, we do an honest attempt to educate our readers about what we researched on these topics and what we found as something that is practical, easy, and which finally 'works'. There is not a specific diet plan for this. This is very simple. We collected information on intermittent fasting and what times are good for what kind of diets. Then we combined various theories and put them into a single action plan. Let us go into the details. First, on Food: It is said that hard foods like meats take 16 hours to 2-3 days to ...