
Showing posts with the label Health

Losing Weight the Right Way

When we look at the world with different cuisines and varying food habits, we can't easily conclude anything as to what is a good diet and what is a good weight-loss plan. There is so much research already done and is being done on many aspects ranging from health to fitness to food to cuisine and the timing of consuming food. We also may fall prey to the business tactics employed by various groups who "sell" their technique as the best. In this post, we do an honest attempt to educate our readers about what we researched on these topics and what we found as something that is practical, easy, and which finally 'works'. There is not a specific diet plan for this. This is very simple. We collected information on intermittent fasting and what times are good for what kind of diets. Then we combined various theories and put them into a single action plan. Let us go into the details. First, on Food: It is said that hard foods like meats take 16 hours to 2-3 days to ...

Anuloma - Viloma Sukha Pranayama (Alternate breathing exercise in comfortable pose)

DEFINITION OF PRANAYAMA: Pranayama (Prāṇāyāma) is a combination of two Sanskrit words 'Prana' which means life force, vital energy or breath, and 'Ayama' which means to extend. This forms a part of various yogic practices devised in ancient India. Nowadays almost everybody from school-going children to college students to private and public employees, business people, etc., leads mechanical life in towns and cities. They find no time to concentrate on their health. Even they have no time to verify whether their food proportionately contains sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc., required daily for their health. If such is the case where is the time for them to look after their physical and mental fitness? To give some tips to our readers, ViprasCraft is suggesting the following simple alternate breathing exercise in a comfortable pose, also known as Anuloma-Viloma Sukha Pranayama (Comfortable alternate breathing e...

Know the real objective of Yoga besides the Wellbeing and Physical fitness aspects

The real objective of Yoga has been shrouded in false beliefs in the recent decades due to the ever increasing marketing propaganda about the physical fitness aspects and aerobics. Many Yoga centers in many countries including India have found Yoga as a good business tool and there has been an increasing focus about the Yoga, its advantages to the physical fitness and flexibility are being overwhelmingly discussed. All that can be considered as just one of the many dimensions of Yoga called ‘Hatha Yoga’ and it is not complete Yoga in itself. Though almost every one is quite familiar with the name ‘YOGA’, there may perhaps be only a few who understand it in its true spirit. Some think about it to be a mysterious science leading to certain supernatural powers known as Siddhis.  Others confine it to physical exercises of Asana (posture), Pranayama (regulated breathing), etc., meant only for wellbeing, the purpose of building up a sound physique so as to be able ...

Is the Violence in Vegetarian diet the same as that of the Meat?

"Ah, nowadays Vegetarianism has become a movement or a cult, as people tend to label the meat lovers are ruthless people." This is the common argument when a vegetarian or a vegan tries to educate the meat lovers about the need of being vegetarian for various reasons. Some of the meat lovers are fooled by the so called nutritionists and doctors who make them believe that meat can’t be totally avoided to get complete protein. People simply feel convenient when they hear this from their doctors and take pride in believing in science and technology and tend to ridicule the noble concepts of vegetarianism and ahimsa (non-violence). And when some people get cancer kind of diseases at some later phase of their life, they tend to blame the God, the environment, the pollution, the drugs and all other stuff, but conveniently forget their past actions of eating big macs, burgers, cheese cakes, microwaved or grilled red meats which had increased their total and bad cholest...

Doing Meditation either for Spiritual progress or for Peace or for Health is most beneficial

Those who MEDITATE regularly and do a little bit of Yoga and those who eat SAATTVIC food (food that causes Serene Behaviour) like Vegetarian or Vegan diet, will need less sleep, not more than 6 hours a day! We don’t make a scientific claim here, but based on the widely available information to the public on internet, we just put forward our observation based on experience. There is a lot to be known about meditation for spiritual progress. There are many articles written on ViprasCraft about Philosophy and Spirituality.

Adopting Vegetarianism is easy, being Health conscious and compassionate towards Animals

If Humans become genuinely spiritual not for the sake of society but for one's own self, become more health conscious, develop compassion and love towards Animals, they switch over to vegetarianism. We don't intend to hurt any of your feelings, but as it was rightly said by ISKCON, "You are what you eat!" This is also correct, because your food is mainly responsible for your behavior whether you are intelligent or cunning or lazy or anything else. Everything we eat contributes in one way or the other to one of our qualities. If you eat food derived from the plants, you would be peaceful, sharp, healthy and with good behavior. If you eat more meat and less vegetarian, you would become lazy, more prone to illnesses and ill-mannered in your behavior. This can be noted, in fact, by any one of us observing our surrounding people whose food habits are known to us.

Cultural or Historical reasons are no excuses for not adopting a Vegetarian diet

Cultural or Historical reasons are no excuses for not having a vegetarian diet. It is an uncivilized act to say bluntly, because though many people know that you can make your balanced diet with vegetarian diet alone, people tend to eat meat only for the pleasure, rather than the real health concerns. Of course health really gets better with increased vegetarian food than the meat or animal based foods. Whether we believe it or not, the humans started separating themselves from the animals, prior to which the humans were similar to the animals in their life style. Such human evolution had happened in various parts of this world irrelevant to one another, and we know it from our history that there were great civilizations like the Mohenjadaro, Harappa, Indus valley civilizations in Indian sub-continent whereas there were Mayan Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Roman Civilization in Europe and other parts of the world.

Vegetarian diet contributes to Spiritual development while Meat consumption contributes to Spiritual degradation

There will be no real spiritual development or real devotion as long as you eat meat, enjoy the food which is prepared by harming orkilling the animals. Here is the important question for those who love to eat meat – "Why the same Supreme God, who created both the humans and the animals (besides creating everything else in this universe), made the human body in such a way that if you scientifically evaluate the biological similarities between the man and all the types of vertebral animals, the human body is falling under the herbivorous category and not under the carnivorous category?"

Vegetarian food as a diet is not at all a hindrance to gain health and intelligence

Vegetarianism (Vegetarian diet as the food habit) is not at all a hindrance to gain health and intelligence. Nowadays it is scientifically proven too.  "Without eating meat, fish, seafood, how can you be healthy? How can you get all the necessary balanced diet?" are the general questions asked by most of the Westerners especially to the Indian vegetarians, when they come to know that there exist the people who don't eat meat, fish, eggs, etc., but only eat food based on green leaves, vegetables and fruits, pulses and grains, some being lacto-vegetarians and some others being pure vegans.

Adopting Vegetarian diet besides leading a pious life makes any person, a True Brahmin

Vegetarianism is the closest practice to follow non-violence and that will lead to Human compassion towards animals, besides contributing to a person’s tranquility to a certain extent. Instead, meat consumption is violence towards animals and it contributes to uncontrollable passions that become the root cause of people’s selfish behavior to a certain extent. To call a spade a spade, we sometimes need courage and determination to face the criticism, especially if you are addressing something to a group in which the majority of people oppose the concept. Speaking about Vegetarianism, Humans love towards animals, Spirituality will generally draw more criticism than appreciation, because the majority of the people in this world support the meat eating habits citing health reasons, religious reasons, cultural reasons or some other. In this article, the term ‘Brahmin’ is used where felt needed, and we humbly request you to understand it in the true spirit, that it is by the dee...

Homeopathy medicines - A Guide for the Old, Poor and the Needy people

The last stage in human life is Old age. At this stage old people will encounter negligence from others including their families in some worst cases. Not only this, they will develop self negligence. Due to Competitiveness, tension due to pressure of work, spending leisure time on viewing TV, Children's education etc., youth also neglects them. Though the youth have love and affection towards them , they are not spending sufficient time as expected  by the old people due to the  above reasons. Youth working in foreign countries is also one of the reasons. As a  result, old  people  are getting mental imbalance. They feel  that their vast experience in dealing things and  their sacrifices  for the family have no recognition by their kith and kin.Neglected presence of the old  people in taking decisions in important family matters will lead them to distress and self non-attention over the diseases from which they suffer. As a result they ...

Ayurvedic therapy for HyperTension, commonly referred to as Blood Pressure (BP)

For the stressed lives of many modern professionals today, Hypertension simply called as BP (Blood Pressure) is not a surprising thing at all. Everybody knows about it and many are affected by it, but at the same time one can’t avoid it unless they follow a disciplined lifestyle which must include a few minutes of exercise or any other physical activity, some form of meditation and other body relaxation techniques such as 'Yoga' and 'Pranayama' . And the drugs being used for controlling the hypertension are only changing some characteristics of the blood to reduce the burden on the blood pumping heart , but the problem will never be solved permanently, i.e., the permanent cure is not possible.

Simple Ayurvedic home remedy for healthy hair and for converting Gray hair to Black hair

Today Yoga and Ayurveda are the most commonly used words for health related discussions. Almost the whole world has realized the importance of these ancient practices of India which are now fast becoming the fields for research worldwide. Ayurveda and Yoga will always go hand in hand in terms of practice and one among them can’t be separated from the other.

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