YearBook - Personal productivity tool from LifeTools series by ViprasCraft
ViprasCraft's YearBook (LifeTools series) can be best utilized following these simple guidelines: Making your book first: Based on your convenience you can either choose A4 or A5 paper optimized format of YearBook. A4 format : If you have opted for the A4 paper size format, it is just sufficient to print this free PDF file in this way: First print all the pages in the PDF file back to back (front & rear) printing on A4 sheets. You will get 5 A5 sheets with 10 pages printed on them back to back. First sheet with pages 1 & 2 serves as a Cover page as well as a guide with instructions for better use. Second sheet with pages 3 &4 serves as the section 'Roles, Goals and Habits'. You can take as many photocopies of this page as you want. But if you ask us how many pages would be ideal, we recommend 2 sheets (with 4 sides) as ideal. Considering 30 goals per page (15 x 2 columns) we make 60 per sheet which means a total of 120 goals. That means in a year y...