
Showing posts with the label Tips

Organize the data and folders on your Computer for free without any need of software

With ever increasing digital data (files) and fast improving hardware components for the computer, it becomes an increasingly daunting task to organize a computer which has a lot of files, ie., digital files. However with experience and a simple strategy, we can organize the computer folders easily and freely without having the need to spend a single penny for any software. Yes, no software needed. After all, a computer is only as intelligent as its maker, the human. Having said this, it is also important to have realistic expectations about your data to be organized and the time you need to organize the data on your computer. If you have 10 years of data messed up, you may need few hours or minutes every day over a long time to properly organize all the data found on your computer.

Tips for buying a Desktop/Laptop computer, criteria to choose among Tabs, Smartphones and PCs

What do I need to buy, a desktop? Or a laptop computer? Or is it good to buy a tablet instead? What about a Smartphone instead of all these? And then is it good to buy a Tablet with 3G and WiFi? If you get all these questions in your mind, well, the answer is very simple. You are the only person who can decide what the best for you is. It all depends on your needs first. Then it depends on your budget. And then it comes down to the understanding of the technical advantages and limitations associated with each type of device. If you are the one who thinks or is actually trying to figure out if Smartphone and Tablets can replace the computer, you are mistaken. Honestly there is a greater craze and buzz in the market today about these devices rather than the real needs. In a simple order of wishlist, we can say that the order of preference shall be 1. Desktop/Laptop computer, 2. Smartphone, 3. Tablets.

Create unique Login Password for every site without the need of special password management software

If we are a bit creative (which everyone of us is capable of), there is no need of any special password management software to generate the unique password for every site which needs you to login with some username and password. Let us share some ideas in this post. As we all know almost all the important sites - like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc, - all banking sites like ING, SBI, ICICI, HDFC, Citibank, etc, - many federal government operated sites like the Income Tax Department, etc, - all travel websites like makemytrip, yaatra, etc - all of them need us to have a unique username and password. Some of these sites are also particular about using the password of a particular length like 8 characters, some even more specific and require us to include special allowable characters like '_', '@', '*', etc.

Child care in various phases of their growth and Parent's responsibility

As per Indian ancient Tradition, a child up to five years should be treated as God, and from five to ten it should be treated as servant and after sixteen we should treat him/her as a friend. See the below sloka (verse) from 'Neeti Sastra': "Bhagavatpancha varshani, dasa varshani daasavath, Praptetu shodase varshe, putram mitra vada chareth."

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