
Showing posts with the label Universe

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is not, as many think, something about breath; breath indeed has very little to do with it, if anything. Pranayama really means controlling the motion of the lungs, and this motion is associated with the breath. Not that breath is producing it; on the contrary, it is producing breath. This motion draws in the air by pump action. The prana is moving the lungs, the movement of the lungs draws in the air. So Pranayama is not breathing, but controlling that muscular power that moves the lungs. That muscular power that goes out through the nerves to the muscles and from them to the lungs, making them move in a certain manner is the Prana, which we have to control in the practice of Pranayama. Breathing is only one of the many exercises through which we get to the real Pranayama. Pranayama means the control of Prana. Just as Akasha is the infinite, omnipresent material of this universe, so is this Prana the infinite, omnipresent manifesting power of this universe. It is...

God is impartial, so choose the pious path and be free from bad Karma

The entire Universe is the creation of God. God has created so many animate and inanimate things in this Universe. God has created human beings and endowed them with the faculty of thinking and discrimination expecting them to rise to a divine level. God with his creation of Nature has provided two ways for us. One is pious life and another is living with all vices. To select the correct path is entirely that of a man concerned. The pious people will never resort to bad deeds in their life and they will stand as moral to so many in society. They use their intellect and help others to come to the right path. The people having real belief in God are good and law-abiding. They will afraid of doing sin. If they do any wrong act, they realize it and shed tears of regret before the Ultimate (God) feeling His presence. The other sect of people will never listen to good advice and face problems and get themselves ruined. When they suffer they may even curse God. They run after plea...

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