The word Karma means action. It comes from the Sanskrit root 'KRI'.which means to act. It refers to the result of past actions, present actions and actions we will perform in the future. The karmas of the past, present and future are called Sanchita , Prarabdha and Agami respectively. SANCHITHA: These are the result of actions that have been gathered in this birth and all other previous births. PRARABDHA: These are the present actions that we are doing now in this lifetime and their results. AGAMI: These are future actions that result from our present actions. Lord Srikrishna in Bhagavat Githa said that everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature and therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment. Even for the most highly educated person on the mundane plane, it is impossible to get out of the entanglement...