
Showing posts with the label devotion


                                                   The word humanity is derived from Latin Humanitas for " human nature and kindness". Humanity refers to the kind feelings humans often have for each other. The  values which are considered basically essential in humans include Sympathy, compassion, mercy, brotherly love,  kindness, understanding, tolerance, gentleness,  pity, charity, generosity, magnanimity, etc., Human values are guidelines that help us to generate good thoughts in us so that we can do good deeds,  to think about good towards others not only humans but also other living beings such as animals, birds, etc.,  They also help in our actions we play day to day in our life drama.  They are many and each value is most important to lead a righteous life in the right direction to pave a path towards spirituality. Humanity means caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible forgetting our selfish interests at times when others need our help

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