
Showing posts with the label divine

Substance of Bhagavadgita in brief

The experience of happiness and distress in life are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons,  tolerate them without being disturbed. For the soul, there is neither birth nor death nor it cannot be destroyed. It is everlasting and imperishable. He who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be killed.  Why you cry that you may lose something.? What did you bring with you, which you think you are losing now? What did you create your own,  which you think now that it is being destroyed?  You came with empty hands, you will leave with empty hands only.  Whatever is going to happen will definitely happen.  It is God's will. Don't  worry about it unnecessarily Be like a sage, who is not disturbed in spite of miseries nor delighted when there is happiness, free from attachment, fear, and anger. Be free from desires, devoid of false ego, and then alone you attain Real Happiness. Do your prescribed duty for the...

Worship - The Real Sadhana

All the religions in the world have prescribed one way or the other for the realization of God--the Immaterial Absolute. They have also given higher ideals of life and most of the people have begun to follow them. As the time went on, they began to peep into other sides as well, because the scythe of time brought about these changes in them.  The environment of the living world began to attract them and the necessities of life compelled them to take the other course.  Arts and crafts also developed and deities of different sorts were carved out by the artists under the name of different Gods and people worshiped them. The wise men of the times, to start with, had to prescribe those modes of worship that may, ultimately, take them to Yoga--the sure-shot of Realisation.  But, according to the laws  of Nature, devolution follows evolution and vice versa.  Their minds did not travel further to the real side with the result that the images became personified G...

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