
Energy is Magnetic - Believe it and do Creative Visualization regularly

“Energy is Magnetic” at first sounds to be some physics topic dealing with electromagnetic waves or something else, right! But there is also another way of understanding it. Creative Visualization makes you to concentrate on those latent energy levels within you with which, when put in proper use, you can attract the things of similar energies from the physical plane (physical world) to achieve your goals; let them be materialistic or physical or spiritual. But there is a little longer way to go, to understand this “Energy is Magnetic” principle. Belief is the prerequisite for achieving anything in this world. So no technique works if we don’t believe in the things we are doing or following. This fact is almost universally acceptable as some medical research has also shown that without belief even the correct medicine will not cure the illness. And the vice versa is also true to some extent that with belief, even some normal medicine would do wonders in curing the illness. It all de...

CutePDF Writer is the best and free software to convert any file into a PDF

CutePDF Writer is best and free software available on the internet as on now, which helps in taking printout of any document in PDF format and to be stored for future use. PDF form of documents are needed when you would like to sending some document to someone which they shall not modify. This is particularly necessary, if an employee of a company is sending some Tender documents or Contract documents to some other company. In general we use printers for printing purpose and save our data in the form of documents. Mainly we use documents for portability in the same way CutePDF Writer acts as a virtual printer and save our documents in the PDF form. The main advantage of PDF (Portable Document Format) is the 'content security' as there is no chance of editing or changing the data once saved. When working or surfing on internet for quick printout we can use this software and save the required pages. The work done by this software is same as the printer. One main advantage is we...


Monitor is also called as ‘VDU’ Visual Display Unit. Monitors & TV set’s use ‘CRT’ Cathode Ray Tube technology initially. In the present environment a newly developed technology has changed the entire VDU’s drastically referred as ‘TFT’ Thin-Film Transistor known as LCD. In today’s world the monitor is not “Just a Display”, by HD (High Definition) a high quality video content is available today. With the High quality rendering Video and High end Graphics and Games there is an improvisation in display. Older : In previous technology CRT is used in display stands for picture tube. In CRT there is a glass envelop consists an electron gun and a phosphor-coated screen. When a computer sends display signals to a monitor these (signals) are converted in to electrons, beamed on to the phosphor-coated screen by electron gun creating an image on the screen. Newer : In present technology TFT technology is used in LCD displays. The main advantage of TF...

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