
Understanding Men and Women fully reading 'Men are from Mars Women are from Venus'

This post offers our feedback about this good book, “ Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus ” which contains a description of various insights into understanding the nature of the men and the women in great detail. It is usual for men and women generally to expect their life partners to be the mirror images of themselves in terms of behavior, but it is very rare to find a match like that. Not only in case of life partner, but also with any other men and women (like father, mother, brothers and sisters) sometimes we try to help them thinking they would like what we do and the events turn against us. More important when we open a conversation to help someone is the ‘ Timing ’ and if it is wrong, the things would only become worse. For example, men always try to be “ Mr. Fix-it ” and women always try to do the role of “ Home-Improvement committee ”, is a good example to understand the behaviors. Mr. Fixit approach of men makes them ‘ solutions ’ which troubles the women at times. And ...

Greatness lies in the Simplicity

Sooner or Later a man who wins is who thinks he can. No Defeat if final until you stop Trying! You only control your action and not the results. So be not motivated by results, nor be attached to inaction. See how simple and great are the above lines. It is true that Greatness lies in the Simplicity . To become great we shall not look at the great achievements or results attained by the Great people but shall look at the path they followed to become Great. So if we make up our mind to do good to this world by our words and deeds, then by consistently following this good path, sure on one day we would become Great.

Energy is Magnetic - Believe it and do Creative Visualization regularly

“Energy is Magnetic” at first sounds to be some physics topic dealing with electromagnetic waves or something else, right! But there is also another way of understanding it. Creative Visualization makes you to concentrate on those latent energy levels within you with which, when put in proper use, you can attract the things of similar energies from the physical plane (physical world) to achieve your goals; let them be materialistic or physical or spiritual. But there is a little longer way to go, to understand this “Energy is Magnetic” principle. Belief is the prerequisite for achieving anything in this world. So no technique works if we don’t believe in the things we are doing or following. This fact is almost universally acceptable as some medical research has also shown that without belief even the correct medicine will not cure the illness. And the vice versa is also true to some extent that with belief, even some normal medicine would do wonders in curing the illness. It all de...

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