
Abraham Lincoln's definition of Creative work

This is a nice fact that it is not important what we do. Sometimes, it is only important how best we can do a job (of course the job should not be something like robbery or violence and terrorism, it should be legal, moral and spiritually justified). In engineering terms, we can say, it is not the quantity of the job we do that is important, but the quality of the job which is important.

'Nirvana Shatkam' explains better about 'Atman' - the eternal Soul

The greatness of Hinduism lies in the facts that first of all, it is not a religion but it is only an enduring culture which sustained many invasions, cultural attacks and yet thrives in India . Secondly, in the deeper sense, it offers various methods and practices for the humans so that one can follow his/her preferred method. Hinduism has nothing to preach against other religions and it is only by the provoking acts of the other religions that today some Hindus are revolting against such attempts, which is again an undesirable thing happening in modern India.

Who is the Supreme God?

Hindus call the Supreme God as " Vishnu" or " Krishna ", the Christians may call the same Supreme God as " The Almighty ", the Jews may call " Jehova " and the Muslims refer to the same supreme God as “ Allah ” and finally it is the one and only one Supreme God, who is the ultimate. Can anybody negate this opinion? There is probably no other way left for anyone to negate this opinion, because if they negate this opinion, first of all they are not honest and then there must be different Gods existing, different Earths, and different Universes even! Before the Jesus Christ, there was no Christianity. But the world existed. Similarly before the birth of Islam, the world existed. And only after Prophet Mohammed, there originated the Islam. However in contrast to these two religions, the Hinduism has no particular date or time that was discovered by the man, to say when it has originated. A little off the topic, to be more precise, Hinduism is not a ...

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