
Role of Widgets in Online Marketing

Today Online web-marketing takes a prominent role in many advertising campaigns over the internet. Each advertiser chooses different media in representing their products or links to the users over the internet. The advertisers can show their ads as text-links over the internet through URLs pointing back to their sites, or they can swtich to scrolling ads as they can sometimes find really better results with them. In case of text based ads using URLs, for any modifications in their ads they have to update the relevant links which take considerable time. There are too many links already available for a number of websites which makes it difficult in getting good response from the customers because a particular link will be one among the hundreds of others links.

Abraham Lincoln's definition of Creative work

This is a nice fact that it is not important what we do. Sometimes, it is only important how best we can do a job (of course the job should not be something like robbery or violence and terrorism, it should be legal, moral and spiritually justified). In engineering terms, we can say, it is not the quantity of the job we do that is important, but the quality of the job which is important.

'Nirvana Shatkam' explains better about 'Atman' - the eternal Soul

The greatness of Hinduism lies in the facts that first of all, it is not a religion but it is only an enduring culture which sustained many invasions, cultural attacks and yet thrives in India . Secondly, in the deeper sense, it offers various methods and practices for the humans so that one can follow his/her preferred method. Hinduism has nothing to preach against other religions and it is only by the provoking acts of the other religions that today some Hindus are revolting against such attempts, which is again an undesirable thing happening in modern India.

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