
Be Pure - A Pure Thought is a Great Service to this World

People generally like purity of atmosphere, environment and even bodily purity so that they may live a comfortable life. Internal purity will automatically bring external purity.  A man with internal purity will act righteously in all his activities. Nobody likes impurity. That is why some people maintain purity for others sake to have good relationship with them. Whatever it may be, keeping oneself pure and clean is beneficial both to self and to others. It keeps diseases away and gives long life too. This is true and known to each and every body. But there is one more field (aspect) where we have to maintain purity.  That is the field of thinking.  That is quite internal. Having pure thought is a godly quality. No doubt it is an inborn quality in human beings. It will come from nowhere. It is already there within. Only thing we have to do is to maintain it as it is. But what we do is, we spoil it with wrong conceptions. For example if our neighbor or relative gets...

Adopting Vegetarianism is easy, being Health conscious and compassionate towards Animals

If Humans become genuinely spiritual not for the sake of society but for one's own self, become more health conscious, develop compassion and love towards Animals, they switch over to vegetarianism. We don't intend to hurt any of your feelings, but as it was rightly said by ISKCON, "You are what you eat!" This is also correct, because your food is mainly responsible for your behavior whether you are intelligent or cunning or lazy or anything else. Everything we eat contributes in one way or the other to one of our qualities. If you eat food derived from the plants, you would be peaceful, sharp, healthy and with good behavior. If you eat more meat and less vegetarian, you would become lazy, more prone to illnesses and ill-mannered in your behavior. This can be noted, in fact, by any one of us observing our surrounding people whose food habits are known to us.

Cultural or Historical reasons are no excuses for not adopting a Vegetarian diet

Cultural or Historical reasons are no excuses for not having a vegetarian diet. It is an uncivilized act to say bluntly, because though many people know that you can make your balanced diet with vegetarian diet alone, people tend to eat meat only for the pleasure, rather than the real health concerns. Of course health really gets better with increased vegetarian food than the meat or animal based foods. Whether we believe it or not, the humans started separating themselves from the animals, prior to which the humans were similar to the animals in their life style. Such human evolution had happened in various parts of this world irrelevant to one another, and we know it from our history that there were great civilizations like the Mohenjadaro, Harappa, Indus valley civilizations in Indian sub-continent whereas there were Mayan Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Roman Civilization in Europe and other parts of the world.

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